
I'll Never Get Tired of His Smiles

Before our computer gets fixed, I'll try my best to post some pictures once in a while to keep Noah's smiles updated.

在我們的電腦修好之前, 一段時間我就會放嘉信的照片在部落格裡, 讓他的笑容常新!

"I miss my swing!"
久違了, 盪鞦韆!

I think Noah looks a little like me (more precisely, my dad) in this picture.


Do You Miss My Smiles?

It seems that I haven't blogged for a long time. Our computer crashed and all the documents (and most of the programs) disappeared... I'm so glad I did back up the pictures! I can't imagine if Noah's 1st year's pictures were gone.... Whew! Hopefully our computer can be restored...

似乎很常一段時間沒上部落格了. 我們的電腦壞了所有的檔案消失... 幸好我有把照片存備份, 真不敢想像嘉信第一年的照片全不見... 希望電腦裡的檔案還救的回來...

One of the daily routines--walking around the house and DROOLING

Noah is helping me do chores (this isn't a routine but for fun)


Hot Pot

Here are some pictures from our family "hot pot" gathering. So nice to eat hot pot when the weather is old, followed by a popsicle as a dessert--my favorite!

這些照片是這次我們的家庭聚會吃火鍋時拍的. 天冷時吃火鍋最棒了, 之後再來支冰棒更讚!

Noah enjoyed the hot pot too

Pretty Anne with the steaming hot pot (she's holding a shrimp). We love the steam because it means the food is ready to eat!

可愛的久恩和正在滾的火鍋(手拿著蝦子). 我們最愛看到水蒸氣, 因為可以開動了!


It's Gross But...

Warning: If you're eating or about to, do not watch this video!

This video shows you how Noah blows and claps (and cleans up the table). Does blowing mean the food taste bad and clapping mean good? I doubt it...

It's gross but he is learning... at least...

警告: 如果你正在或將要吃飯, 先不要看這影片!

這影片讓你看嘉信如何吹氣和拍手(和清桌子). 吹氣表示食物難吃而拍手表示好吃嗎? 很難說...



Mother's Love

This picture which I got it thru e-mail gave me some thoughts about being a mother... Two mothers, two children, two worlds, ONE LOVE.

兩個母親, 兩個孩子, 兩個世界, 同樣的愛.


First Time "Swimming" In The Pool

Here are some pictures taken on Saturday from "Mommy/Dadday and Me" swimming class. I didn't know Noah liked it or not because he didn't show any emotion at all (sleepy?). Maybe I'll know about it in the next class. I'm also wondering whether he still remembers the days "floating" in my tummy...

這些照片是在星期六的小朋友游泳課時拍的. 我不知道嘉信喜不喜歡水, 因他沒有什麼表情(是想睡吧). 也許下回揭曉. 不知他是否還記得"浮"在我肚子裡的時候?

Ready to have some kicks.
Is this class for syn-chronized swimming?
Rock, paper, scissors!
剪刀, 石頭, 布!
It was fun to see so many babies and toddlers in the pool at the same time!

PS. The swim center was used by Olympians for swimming practices during the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
註: 這個游泳池是1984洛杉磯奧運游泳選手的練習場地.


Random Shots at California Adventure

I can't believe that I got more shots than Danny... Maybe someday I'll get more shots than Noah. Excuse me... What did you say? I can't? Hey, I'm also "A Reward from Him" to my parents!

真不敢相信我的照片比凱旭多... 也許將來有一天我的照片也比嘉信多. 你說什麼? 不可以? 我也是"上帝給我父母的賞賜"ㄟ(A Reward from Him: 我部落格的名稱).

Golden Zephyr
Little Firefighter
S.S. Rustworthy
King Triton's Carousel

Last chance to see Golden Bridge in Christmas decor (don't be frightened by the folks next to us--this photo was exposed twice in order to get a brighter background). This raising-hand pose is one of Noah's favorites.

最後的機會看掛著聖誕燈飾的金門大橋(別被旁邊的人嚇到--為了使背景亮一點, 我們把這張照片曝光兩次). 這個舉手的動作是嘉信最喜歡擺的姿勢之一.


He Is Brave!

Tuesday we took Noah to have a blood draw for lead test. He was supposed to do it couple weeks ago, but doc wanted us to wait until the weather got warmer because his veins were too small to find in those cold winter days... We were so astonished by Noah's braveness because he did not cry at all (not even made a sound!). We were really proud of our son (and thanks to the skilled technician).

星期二我們帶嘉信去抽血作含鉛檢查. 他本來幾個星期前就要作的, 但醫生建議等天氣比較暖和再作, 因看不太到他的血管. 我們很驚訝嘉信如此勇敢, 一點都沒哭, 也沒出聲. 謝謝幫嘉信抽血的阿姨的好技術.


Passport Photo

Our family plan to visit Taiwan to see my parents in March, and I almost forgot that Noah needs a passport too. When I look at this passport photo (which was taken by me), I'm just wondering how Noah will look like 5 years later (that's how long the minor's passport is valid for).

我們全家計畫三月回台灣看我的父母, 但我差點忘了嘉信也需要本護照. 當我看著這張護照照片(是我拍的喔), 我猜想嘉信五年後的樣子(未成年者的護照有效期是五年).


1st Time to the Zoo

Noah and I went to Santa Ana Zoo with some friends. He was fascinated by the animals, esp. those friendly goats.

嘉信和我以及幾個朋友一起去Santa Ana動物園玩. 他對動物們感到很好奇, 尤其是這些羊.

Got something to eat, kiddo?
Guess who can say "mommy"?
Can you play with me?
Wish Daddy is here to teach me how to drive...


Good Exercise

Recently Noah loves playing the beach ball, and these pictures say it all.
最近嘉信很喜歡玩球. 從照片中表露無遺.

Want to play with me, Mommy?
媽咪, 和我玩好不好?

Why can't I make a dunk?

Following a good exercise is a good nap (3 noteworthy things: 1. he fell asleep by himself more often; 2. he would take off the socks and put OUTSIDE the crib before falling sleep; 3. and held onto Pooh tight, which I gave him as his companion in crib couple days ago.)

跟著好好的運動之後是好好的午覺 (三件事值得一提: 1. 他愈來愈常自己睡著了; 2. 他會在睡著前把襪子脫下丟在床外; 3. 他會抱著小雄維尼睡)


Let There Be Light

Please check out Noah's newest video. He can do a lot of different facial expressions (I wonder where he learned them from), and winking is one of his favorites.

請看嘉信最新的錄影. 他有許多不同的表情(不知從誰學來的), 眨眼是他喜歡之一.


Happy New Year 2007

Wish you a Happy New Year! And yes, more blogs to come :)

祝您新年快樂! 沒錯, 會有更多的部落格消息相報 :)

PS. This Chinese character "福" (blessings) is upside down which means "blessings coming to you."