
New Ways to Exercise

Each day our active toddler found new ways to exercise. Can't imagine how to let him get to sleep w/o these activities...

每一天我們活潑好動的兒子發現新的方法來運動. 無法想像白天沒有這些活動晚上要如果讓他睡覺...

Ball exercise with a twist

Boogie wonderland (please click on this link for music before you play the video)
搖滾運動 (請先點閱此連結放音樂再播放影片)


No Wonder It's So Quiet

For the first time Noah went to the bedroom, closed the door, climbed into our bed, and dozed off--all by himself!

這是第一次嘉信自個兒走到房間, 關上門, 爬上床, 睡起覺來了!


Pool Party

We were invited by Cheri and Andrew to a pool party. How COOL is it to play and drink (water only) in the pool on a hot summer day.

Cheri和Andrew邀我們參加游泳派對. 炎炎夏日在水池裡邊喝邊玩真清涼.

Look at Noah's pool party outfit.
Drink your water!
Did you notice that they wore the same swim trunks?

Nice brake!


Children's Museum

Okay, you want more pictures of short-haired Noah. Here they are. (they were taken at a children's museum)

好啦, 你想要看更多短頭髮嘉信的照片, 給你看個夠! (拍於小孩子的博物館)

Driving a bus (Thank God it'll take a while for Noah to reach the pedals)

Let's shake hands
Future pianist

Can you find a jeweled owl, a bell, a flashlight, and a belt buckle?
你能找到貓頭鷹首飾, 小鐘, 手電筒, 和皮帶扣環嗎?


Newport Beach

This posting is about our 3-night stay at Marriot Newport Coast Villas last week (before Noah had the haircut):

以下是我們上星期在Marriot Newport Coast Villas住三晚的網誌(嘉信還沒剪頭髮之前):

Noah made himself comfortable
Grace and Noah enjoyed each other's company
A big tub

Noah liked hugging the basketball more than playing with it.
View from hotel
Dogs in Balboa Island were very friendly (their owners left them outside while shopping in stores)

Balboa Island的狗很友善(去逛街的主人把牠們綁在人行道上)

A good day for sailing
CA sunshine
Checking out (okay I exaggerated a little bit)
Huntington Beach Pier--at first Noah was afraid of the waves, but minutes later he started chasing them!

Huntington Beach碼頭--起先嘉信怕海浪, 但一會兒他追起浪來!)

Did I mention Grace loves surfing?


I Was Hot And Now Hotter!

After all the sweating in these hot summer days, Noah finally had his 4th haircut today (see the 1st, 2nd, 3rd). I think Danny should open a barber shop!

由於炎炎夏日使得嘉信不斷地流汗, 今天我們終於幫他剪第四次頭髮(請看第一, 第二, 第三次). 我覺得凱旭應該開個理髮廳ㄟ!

A perfect day to have a haircut in the garage--look at the color of the sunset!

No wonder Noah couldn't stop sweating!


More About the Retreat

It was the first time Noah took a bus. He was so excited to watch the cars and views passing by.
嘉信第一次坐遊覽車, 好興奮看到經過的車子與風景.
A teacher with a bear, a monkey, and...
老師與一隻熊, 一隻猴子, 和...
... a dolphin!
The highlight: daddy's short visit!
最快樂的事: 爸爸來看我們!
Even though we were so close to the beach, we didn't have a chance to go. So I asked Grace to take some pictures. It was beautiful!
雖然我們離海很近卻沒有機會去走走. 因此我請儒蕙照些相片給我看. 真漂亮!

A nice nap on the bus concluded our trip.

(Click here to see the posting about last year's retreat, also at UCSB)
(點閱此處來看去年同樣在加州Santa Barbara州立大學的夏令會網誌)


Retreat in Santa Barbara

We just got back from the church retreat. Tired but fun! Just show you before/after pictures for now and more details to come.

我們剛從教會夏令會回來. 很累但也很好玩. 先給你看出發和回程所拍的照片, 之後再詳細報導.

Before 出發
After 回程


New Activities

Somersault. I love seeing him do this in a diaper.
翻筋斗. 我喜歡看他穿著尿布翻.

Noah had been doing this for several days and finally knew he could turn over. I didn't capture a real one on tape, but I thought this video was too cute not to share. btw, did I mention he figured it out by himself. I didn't show him how to do it. Actually, I don't even remember when was the last time I turned a somersault. How about you?

嘉信做這個動作已好幾天, 最後終於知道他可以翻筋斗. 雖然沒有錄到成功的翻過去, 但我覺得這影片太可愛不得不分享. 對了, 我有提到是他自己學的嗎? 我沒有示範給他看過. 事實上我已記不得上次翻筋斗是何時. 你ㄌㄟ?

Since he saw me using a vacuum cleaner, he "vacuumed" for me EVERY DAY! You can tell how clean our tiles are! Good job, my Roomba Noah, who changes places automatically!

自從看過我吸地之後, 他每天都會幫我吸地耶! 所以不得而知我們家地磚有多乾淨! 真棒, 他會這邊吸吸那邊吸吸喔.


Hollywood Bowl

Grace and I went to Hollywood Bowl the day before July 4th. I remember last year I was nursing Noah during the concert (he grows so fast)! Thanks to Danny for staying home with Noah so I could have a free night out. It was interesting that I couldn't stop thinking of Noah's stuff when I prepare the things to bring. I am so used to going out with Noah...

儒蕙和我七月三日去Hollywood Bowl. 還記得去年這時候我在聽音樂會時餵嘉信喝奶(他長的真快)! 感謝凱旭留在家陪嘉信, 讓我有個愉快的夜晚. 好玩的是我不斷地想著要為嘉信帶什麼, 我已習慣和嘉信一起出門...

"Park & Ride" to Hollywood Bowl
到Hollywood Bowl的專車
Special guest: Riders in the Sky (they wrote the song You've Got A Friend in Me for Toy Story 2)
今年的特別來賓: Riders in the Sky (他們為玩具總動員2寫歌You've Got A Friend in Me)

Following are pictures of our cute growing Noah:

Noah loved playing dumbbells (2# only)--he learned it from Esther
嘉信喜歡玩啞鈴(只有兩磅) --他跟Esther姊姊學的
His favorite bath toy--"peeing duck"
He loved blue canyon so much that he couldn't let go of it.
他最喜歡藍色的蠟筆, 喜歡到愛不釋手.


July 4th Fun

On July 4th we joined the Cerritos city's "Let Freedom Ring" celebration. We were so glad Candy, Esther & Andrew came with us, and, to our surprise, we met Luke, Jane & Jessica. They were so kind to invite us to have a wonderful dinner and watch fireworks at their house! It was delicious and fun, fun, fun!

七月四日我們參加喜瑞都所辦的國慶日慶祝活動. 很高興Candy, Esther和Andrew和我們一起去. 意外地我們遇到Luke, Jane和Jessica一家. 他們很慷慨地邀請我們去他們家吃晚餐和看煙火. 實在是美味可口, 精彩無比!

Noah with Esther and Andrew (Esther did a great job holding little bros)
Noah with Andrew and Jessica
"Where does everybody go?" (2 mommies were walking around the food booths; Grace and Esther were playing jumpers)
"大伙兒去那裡呢?" (兩個媽媽忙著看食物攤位, 而儒蕙和Esther玩遊樂設施)

Grace, Esther & Fireworks
儒蕙, Esther和煙火


Happy Independence Day

The nine-story American flag at the Crystal Cathedral.



Grace's Blog

For our summer vacation update, please check out the blog of our friend Grace, who is visiting us from Taiwan. For pictures, you can click on "Album" on the blog.

想看我們暑假最新消息? 可以到正從台灣來南加玩的儒蕙的部落格 . 點閱部落格上的"Album"還可以看我們的照片喔!