
Church Retreat at UC Santa Barbara

Church's summer retreat was held at UC Santa Barbara from 8/18 to 8/20. We surely had a great time--even though we couldn't attend all the sessions because of Noah.

教會夏令會在加州Santa Barbara大學舉行. 雖然因照顧Noah無法聽每場信息, 但我們還是很享受這次的夏令會.

It was the first time Noah slept in the playpen, and you can tell he liked it!

Noah第一次睡在遊戲床裡, 看來他很喜歡!

Thank God for the nice dorm: private sink and rocking chair (kind of) were very helpful for cleaning and feeding Noah.

感謝神這次住的地方很棒: 房間裡有自己的洗手台和搖椅, 非常方便清洗和餵Noah.

With college/youth group at Stearns Wharf Santa Barbara

Stearns Wharf Santa Barbara和大專青少年團契合照

More pictures of the retreat location (taken by EFCOC Media Center. Thanks!)


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