

More Pictures

We were too busy with our two kids to find time to blog. In short, our house is full of laughters and tears (the latter is mostly from Abigail) and each day is a new day for discovery. Here are some pictures to share:

因忙著照顧兩個孩子, 連上部落格的時間也沒有. 簡而言之, 我們家是充滿歡笑與淚水(後者大部份是從嘉恩而來), 且每一天都有新的發現. 以下是幾張照片與你分享:

Abigail at day 21

A mother of two

1-month-old and 2.5-year-old


"Noah" & "Abigail"

"Noah": This Hebrew name's original meaning is "comfort" (cf. Genesis 5:29). The story of Noah from the Bible is in Genesis Ch. 6-9.

"Noah": 此希伯來文名字的原意是"安慰"(參創世記5:29). 聖經創世記6至9章記載關於挪亞的故事.

"Abigail": Also a Hebrew name. The original meaning is "Father's joy." The story of Abigail can be found in 1 Samuel Ch. 25.

"Abigail": 也是個希伯來文名字. 意思是"父親的喜樂". 亞比該的故事記載於撒母耳記上第25章.

btw, Noah's Chinese name is "嘉信" (wonderful faith) and Abigail's is "嘉恩" (wonderful grace). They are inspired by Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."

此外, Noah的中文名字是"嘉信", 而Abigail是"嘉恩". 這兩個名字是由此經文所啟發: "你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信;這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的." (以弗所書2:8)