
Hot Pot

Here are some pictures from our family "hot pot" gathering. So nice to eat hot pot when the weather is old, followed by a popsicle as a dessert--my favorite!

這些照片是這次我們的家庭聚會吃火鍋時拍的. 天冷時吃火鍋最棒了, 之後再來支冰棒更讚!

Noah enjoyed the hot pot too

Pretty Anne with the steaming hot pot (she's holding a shrimp). We love the steam because it means the food is ready to eat!

可愛的久恩和正在滾的火鍋(手拿著蝦子). 我們最愛看到水蒸氣, 因為可以開動了!

1 comment:

stitch said...

i love hot pot too! nice blog!