
Andrew's Visit

Noah's highlight of last week was Andrew's visiting. It's always nice to have friends around to play, eat, and babble together!

上星期嘉信最高興的事是Andrew來家裡玩. 朋友相伴, 一同吃, 一同玩, 一同說兒語, 真快樂!

"Andrew, this is where the treasures are!"
"Andrew, 好玩的在這裏面喔!"

"Nice sweatshirt!" (Dr. Pan, who's holding Andrew, is Noah's pediatrician.)
"漂漂的衣服!" (扶著Andrew的是嘉信的小兒科醫師潘醫師)

"Faster, faster!" (the lady next to Noah is Andrew's mom Cheri)
"再快一點!" (在嘉信旁的是Andrew的媽媽Cheri)

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