It was our first time going to Brandon's house. There's a story behind this picture: at first Andrew was playing with this toy, and then Noah just cut in between Andrew and the toy to play, and finally Brandon followed Noah... Sorry, Andrew :(
我們第一次去Brandon家玩. 這張照片有個故事喔: 一開始Andrew在玩這玩具, 然後嘉信插進來坐在Andrew和玩具之間, 最後Brandon也跟著插進來... 真對不起Andrew :(
Brandon & Noah at our house. You know what they were doing... (mommies were tired)
Brandon來我們家玩. 一看就知道他們在做什麼... (媽媽們累了)
I got a chance to babysit
Jessica for a afternoon. I felt so proud of myself that I successfully got them to fall asleep at the same time! Noah was such a nice brother to share all the toys.
嘉熙一個下午. 能同時把他們倆哄睡著我以自己為傲. 嘉信真是個好哥哥, 和妹妹分享玩具.
Video: Jessica & Noah had some fun!
影片: 嘉熙和嘉信(他們的名字真像兄妹)玩在一起.
Noah was learning to talk and sing from Esther. That's why they had the same face on every picture!
嘉信跟著Esther學說話和唱歌, 難怪每張照片他們的嘴型都一樣.
This wasn't a good but funny picture. It looked like Noah had a ponytail. Actually the hairs were Cheri's. We went to Disneyland with her and Andrew.
這張照片照的不是很好但很有趣. 看起來嘉信有個馬尾, 其實是Cheri的啦. 我們和她與Andrew一起去Disneyland.
Steven & Noah (I always wonder why Noah knew how to hold the controller right w/o no one teaching him.)
Steven哥哥和嘉信 (我一直很納悶為何嘉信沒有人教就能正確地握著搖控器.)