
Portland, Oregon

Here we come, Portland!
Our family are very excited becase we are going to Portland tomorrow for 6 days! See you later. (We found out Noah doesn't need an air ticket for domestic flights until he turns 2, as long as he sits on our laps)


Do You Like the New Look?

Suddenly I felt like to give our blog a new look. Do you like it?
突然想給我們的部落格一個新的面貌. 喜歡嗎?


A Lot of Playdates :)

It was our first time going to Brandon's house. There's a story behind this picture: at first Andrew was playing with this toy, and then Noah just cut in between Andrew and the toy to play, and finally Brandon followed Noah... Sorry, Andrew :(
我們第一次去Brandon家玩. 這張照片有個故事喔: 一開始Andrew在玩這玩具, 然後嘉信插進來坐在Andrew和玩具之間, 最後Brandon也跟著插進來... 真對不起Andrew :(

Brandon & Noah at our house. You know what they were doing... (mommies were tired)
Brandon來我們家玩. 一看就知道他們在做什麼... (媽媽們累了)
I got a chance to babysit Jessica for a afternoon. I felt so proud of myself that I successfully got them to fall asleep at the same time! Noah was such a nice brother to share all the toys.
我有機會看嘉熙一個下午. 能同時把他們倆哄睡著我以自己為傲. 嘉信真是個好哥哥, 和妹妹分享玩具.

Video: Jessica & Noah had some fun!
影片: 嘉熙和嘉信(他們的名字真像兄妹)玩在一起.

Noah was learning to talk and sing from Esther. That's why they had the same face on every picture!
嘉信跟著Esther學說話和唱歌, 難怪每張照片他們的嘴型都一樣.
This wasn't a good but funny picture. It looked like Noah had a ponytail. Actually the hairs were Cheri's. We went to Disneyland with her and Andrew.
這張照片照的不是很好但很有趣. 看起來嘉信有個馬尾, 其實是Cheri的啦. 我們和她與Andrew一起去Disneyland.
Steven & Noah (I always wonder why Noah knew how to hold the controller right w/o no one teaching him.)
Steven哥哥和嘉信 (我一直很納悶為何嘉信沒有人教就能正確地握著搖控器.)


Chatting with My Boy

Recently Noah and I had a lot of conversation, so we know each other better! 最近嘉信和我常常聊天, 所以我們更了解對方囉!

One day Noah suddenly started counting: "7, 8, 9, 10, 11"! I was so surprised that my month opened wider as each number being said. However, he always counted "1, 2, 4".

Another day Noah counted "8, 9, 10" after hearing his dad said "chicken" (pronounced "ji," compared to 7 "chi").

Anothor day Noah said "hao-chih (tastes good), chih, 8, 9, 10, 11".

Another day he said "Be careful!" (hsiao-hsin) to me with a serious face after I dropped his water bottle.

有一天嘉信突然自己數"7, 8, 9, 10, 11! 他每數一個數字我的嘴巴就開得更大. 不過他總是數"1, 2, 4".

另有一天聽到爸爸說"雞", 他緊接著數"8, 9, 10".

又有一天他說"好吃, 吃, 8, 9, 10, 11".

還有一天他表情嚴肅的對我說"小心", 因我把他的水瓶掉在地上.


More Pictures at the Beach

Here's the link for our pictures at the beach. Sorry for no postings recently because of my busyness. Hopefully we will be back to normal soon.

此網站連結可看我們去海邊的照片. 很抱歉最近因太忙沒有寫網誌. 希望能很快恢復正常.


Holding Hands

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while but their hearts forever.
母親只有一段時間能抓住孩子的手, 卻能一直抓著他們的心.


Labor Day Weekend

Some shots from our Labor Day weekend:

BBQ #1 (at park)
DDR (Noah has his own dancing pad)
BBQ #2 (at yard)
Seal Beach #1
Beach after sunset

Seal Beach #2 (from left: Jane, Jessica, Esther, Candy & Noah)
Andrew was so nice to give Noah a Hummer. He knows Noah loves cars. See how happy Noah was!
因嘉信喜歡車車, Andrew送給他一部悍馬. 你看他樂得.