
Parent Education Class

Thanks to my friend Linda for introducing me the parenting program in the nearby adult school. We were very lucky to find an opening--usually the classes were full right after registration began, not to mention we enrolled two months late. Both Noah and I enjoyed the class very much. I could bring Abigail to the class too, and she loved being around with people. I also got the chance to meet many wonderful parents. To my surprise, half of the families in the class are Korean and half of them are pastor's wives (they didn't know each other)!

謝謝Linda介紹我參加社區學校開的親子課程. 我們很幸運能註冊到因為通常全部的課在一開放註冊後即額滿, 更別說我們是晚了兩個月註冊. 嘉信和我很喜歡這堂課. 我也能帶嘉恩去上課, 她很喜歡和大家一起玩. 也有機會認識許多家長. 讓我驚訝的是, 幾乎一半的家庭是韓國人, 而其中一半是牧師的太太(她們彼此不認識)!

Our first class was a field trip to the Fire/Police Station in La Palma

This mobile command center is equipped to handle emergency situations.

I just found out Noah couldn't fit in the baby swing anymore. Look how he enjoyed the "adult" swing.
我才發現嘉信已坐不下baby的盪鞦韆了. 看看他多享受"大人"坐的鞦韆.

Hi, ladybug.
嗨, 小瓢蟲.

Noah's favorite time: Play outside
嘉恩最愛的時段: 戶外活動

"Let me out!" (they were looking at two big butterflies flying away)
"讓我出去" (他們正看著兩隻好大蝴蝶飛走)

Noah is counting

Noah is sharing

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