
Funny Noah

Look how Noah was being funny:

Arranged two boxes into a tv.

This was how he put the shoes on the shoe rack.

He likes making bread into different shapes. Here's a helicopter (He loves pb sandwich so much that he almost eats it every day).
他喜歡把麵包吃成不同的形狀. 這個是直昇機. (他愛吃吐司夾花生醬愛到幾乎每天都要吃).

Inspired by autocross which Danny brought him to see for several times, Noah used jump chess as traffic cones to make race tracks.
靈感來自於凱旭帶嘉信去看的汽車越野賽, 他用跳棋當成錐形交通路標來作跑道.

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