
New Design

It's about time to update the look of my blog. This old header picture was taken 1.5 yrs ago. See how much they have grown!

btw, Noah starts his summer vacation today and Abigail will start hers next Thursday. My plans for this summer:
  • Potty train Abigail (She was ready but I just couldn't find time in the morning. She'll go to Noah's preschool in November when she turns 2.5 yrs old. So I still get some time);
  • Move Noah & Abigail to their own new bedroom (Noah needs a new twin bed--Can you believe he still sleeps in his sister's crib!);
  • Clean up the house (also garage & yards, daddy!) and have a garage sale;
  • Enjoy the summer and try not to get sunburn!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy a lot of this blog. :)


Danny & Amy said...

Thank you, Sue :)

Dylan said...
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