
Hollywood Bowl

Grace and I went to Hollywood Bowl the day before July 4th. I remember last year I was nursing Noah during the concert (he grows so fast)! Thanks to Danny for staying home with Noah so I could have a free night out. It was interesting that I couldn't stop thinking of Noah's stuff when I prepare the things to bring. I am so used to going out with Noah...

儒蕙和我七月三日去Hollywood Bowl. 還記得去年這時候我在聽音樂會時餵嘉信喝奶(他長的真快)! 感謝凱旭留在家陪嘉信, 讓我有個愉快的夜晚. 好玩的是我不斷地想著要為嘉信帶什麼, 我已習慣和嘉信一起出門...

"Park & Ride" to Hollywood Bowl
到Hollywood Bowl的專車
Special guest: Riders in the Sky (they wrote the song You've Got A Friend in Me for Toy Story 2)
今年的特別來賓: Riders in the Sky (他們為玩具總動員2寫歌You've Got A Friend in Me)

Following are pictures of our cute growing Noah:

Noah loved playing dumbbells (2# only)--he learned it from Esther
嘉信喜歡玩啞鈴(只有兩磅) --他跟Esther姊姊學的
His favorite bath toy--"peeing duck"
He loved blue canyon so much that he couldn't let go of it.
他最喜歡藍色的蠟筆, 喜歡到愛不釋手.

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