
Emergency Supply Kit

Today I saw a TV ad about preparing a family emergency supply kit. I heard about it before but never took action. So, today is the day! Thanks to Noah for giving me the motivation to do it. (Hopefully I will remember to take a picture of our kit for you.)

10 Essential Items during Emergency:

  1. Water

  2. Food

  3. Cash & Important Documents

  4. Clothes

  5. Flashlight

  6. First Aid kit

  7. Medicine

  8. Radio

  9. Toiletries

  10. Tools

For a printable brochure, please click here. (sources from County of LA Public Health)

今天在電視上看到一宣導短片推廣預備家庭緊急情況用品包. 我以前有聽說過但從沒採取行動. 因此, 就今天開始準備吧! 謝謝嘉信給我動力來做. (希望到時記得照張相給你們看)

當緊急狀況發生, 十項必備的物品:

  1. 食物

  2. 現金和重要文件

  3. 衣物

  4. 手電筒

  5. 急救箱

  6. 藥品

  7. 收音機

  8. 盥洗用品

  9. 工具

點閱此處來列印詳細手冊. (資料來源: 洛杉磯郡公共衛生局)

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