
Bye Bye, Pacie

In October one thing notable about Abigail is weaning from pacifier. We used pacifier mostly for 1) getting her to sleep, 2) keeping her quiet (during class, church, etc.), 3) putting her in carseat. One day we decided not to offer it to her when she went to bed, and she did not use it ever since! (she did see it once and cried for it badly)

Abigail got three pacifiers from the hospital exactly one year ago when she had the back surgery and stayed at the hospital for 7 weeks. I haven't thrown them away because they were such good companion during the hospital stay, esp. when her thumb wasn't available due to the IV. (Many, many thanks to the nurse at the hospital for telling me it's much easier to wean the baby off from pacifier than thumb.)

So, the following video is precious to us. Happy Anniversay and Goodbye, Pacie!

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