
Back To Normal

Noah was back to normal yesterday! Boy, I missed his funny facial expressions, and he added more after the recovery (such as the left one)--maybe it's his way to thank daddy & mommy for taking care of him during illness.

嘉信完全恢復正常了! 在他生病時我很懷念他多變的表情, 沒想到在他復原後又加些不同的(如左邊的表情)--也許這是他謝謝爸媽這幾天照顧他的方式吧.

It only took 1 sec to change faces from left to right (that's a big move for his eyebrows!)

Smile is still my favorite!


Not Feeling Well...

Our little Noah hasn't felt well for several days, but thank God he's getting much better now (shouting and walking around like before). Even though doc said it usually takes 7-10 days for full recovery, we still hope the process would speed up--it's hard for us to see our son suffering!

嘉信這幾天不太舒服, 但感謝神他漸漸好起來了(像以往邊叫邊走來走去). 雖然醫生說通常要七到十天才能完全恢復, 但我們仍希望復原過程能加速--看寶貝兒子難過真心疼!

First B&B
第一次在床上吃早餐(B&B: breakfast in bed)
Sleep sound in grandma's arms


Another Extraordinary Day

For a mom of an 1-year-old, every day is an extraordinary day.
對有一歲小孩的媽媽來說, 每天都是個特別的日子.

2 handsomest guys (sorry to my dad...)
Noah is getting taller.
Hungry Two
餓餓, ㄍㄨㄚ-ㄍㄨㄚ
Time to go home--it's getting dark.
天黑了, 該回家了.


Happy Oink Oink Year!

"Are you making a 'pig' face, Noah?"
"嘉信, 豬年你在扮豬臉嗎?"

The Chengs wish you a Happy Chinese New Year!


Swimming Class Part III

This video was shot at Noah's last swimming class (total 5 classes). Don't you think Noah looks so cute in the swim vest and Danny looks like a professional swim instructor?

這段影片是在嘉信最後一次的游泳課(共五堂課)拍的. 你覺不覺得嘉信穿著救生衣很可愛, 而凱旭像是專業游泳教練?



A Fun Day Out

It's been a while since last time we went out for a walk together (due to mommy's cold, the chilly weather, and daddy's tight schedule at work...), and today was the perfect day for a short outing!

已經有一段時間我們全家沒有到戶外走走(因之前媽媽感冒, 天氣嚴寒, 爸爸工作忙...). 今天是最佳出遊的日子!

Daddy was impressed by the monorail, and Noah was impressed by the wind.
爸爸對單軌火車印象深刻, 而嘉信是對風深感興趣.

Mr. Toad

Spring already?

Stop and smell the flowers!
放慢腳步, 享受人生.


Putting Something Somewhere

Lately Noah was obsessed with putting things wherever possible! This picture tells all. Don't you think the green bean goes well with his new sweater (see yesterday's blog)?

最近嘉信很愛把東西到處放. 這張照片表露無遺. 四季豆和他的新毛背心(請看昨天的部落格)很配吧!


Little Sweater

Nathan's grandma made this pretty sweater for Noah. It surely warms Noah's body and my heart! (bty, green is my favorite color)

這是永霖的阿嬤織給嘉信的小毛衣. 它溫暖了嘉信的身體也溫暖了我的心! (附帶一提: 綠色是我最喜歡的顏色)

Very warm!


Andrew's Visit

Noah's highlight of last week was Andrew's visiting. It's always nice to have friends around to play, eat, and babble together!

上星期嘉信最高興的事是Andrew來家裡玩. 朋友相伴, 一同吃, 一同玩, 一同說兒語, 真快樂!

"Andrew, this is where the treasures are!"
"Andrew, 好玩的在這裏面喔!"

"Nice sweatshirt!" (Dr. Pan, who's holding Andrew, is Noah's pediatrician.)
"漂漂的衣服!" (扶著Andrew的是嘉信的小兒科醫師潘醫師)

"Faster, faster!" (the lady next to Noah is Andrew's mom Cheri)
"再快一點!" (在嘉信旁的是Andrew的媽媽Cheri)


Swimming Class Part II

It turns out Noah loves swimming. Look at those kicks and smiles :) (sorry for video's bad quality--I used my camera to record and zoom-in made it worse)

結果我們發現嘉信喜歡游泳. 看這些踢水和笑容就知道 :) (抱歉錄影品質不佳--因我是用相機而不是錄影機拍的)


Still Working On Our Computer...

We're still working on recovering the data in our computer... Don't worry. Noah doesn't change too much, just taller, heavier, and "handsomer" (only mommy said so)!

我們仍再"搶救"電腦... 別擔心, 嘉信沒有變太多, 只不過是更高, 更壯, 更"英俊"(只有老媽如此說啦)!

Noah with Auntie Sue (thank God for her continuous prayers for our family)
嘉信和大姑姑Sue(她不斷的為我們一家人代禱, 為此感謝神)