Our long weekend, which is Danny's short weekend (only Sunday off), was spent with family. I enjoyed seeing the kids playing together. They were so funny, energetic, and creative! (Kids can play a simple thing in ten different ways. That's amazing!) Noah always learned new tricks from the cousins. This time he learned how to throw a ball (finally he can let go of a ball).
我們的長週末(卻是凱旭的短週末, 因他只有星期天沒上班)是和家人一同度過的. 我很喜歡看孩子們玩在一塊, 充滿樂趣, 精力, 和創意! (一個小東西小孩子可以有十幾種玩法, 實在奇妙!) 嘉信總是從表姊們學到新的絕活. 這次他學到如何丟球(終於捨得讓球離手了).
A beer belly or a bear belly?
Noah's shy smile
PS. I should let Noah wean from bottle earlier--look what it's done to his mouth :P
附註: 我應該早一點讓嘉信戒奶瓶. 看看他的嘴巴 :p
A Few Collections
Even though boys don't have the accessories as many as girls do (jewelry, hairbands, etc.), we do enjoy wearing Noah "a few collections," as long as they can stay on him :)
雖然男孩子沒有像女孩子有那麼多的裝飾品(例如手飾, 髮夾), 我們仍然很喜歡幫嘉信穿戴一些, 只要他不馬上拿下來就好.
Prince Noah
Goofier Goofy
MIB星際戰警(Men In Black)
雖然男孩子沒有像女孩子有那麼多的裝飾品(例如手飾, 髮夾), 我們仍然很喜歡幫嘉信穿戴一些, 只要他不馬上拿下來就好.
Prince Noah
Goofier Goofy
MIB星際戰警(Men In Black)
Creation Museum Opens
Click on the picture to see the video about this exciting news. (there'll be a 30-sec commercial before the news...)
Noah might have seen dinosaurs! (please click here for more details about dinosaurs and the Bible)
請按此照片看一則令人興奮的新聞. (新聞前有30秒廣告)
Noah might have seen dinosaurs! (please click here for more details about dinosaurs and the Bible)
請按此照片看一則令人興奮的新聞. (新聞前有30秒廣告)
Our Pastor's Wife Is Way Too Cool
Can you believe she is our pastor's wife? I like this photo because it protraits her very well (I can't help adding on some words to make it look like a magazine cover). Visit her family's blog to see more pictures of their NZ vacation. (btw, our pastor Gabe is also cool!)
你能相信她是我教會牧師的太太嗎? 我很喜歡這張照片因它把師母的特色表露無遺(我加些字讓照片看起來像雜誌封面). 請參觀她的部落格看更多紐西蘭之行的照片. (附帶一提: 我們的牧師Gabe也很酷的喔!)
你能相信她是我教會牧師的太太嗎? 我很喜歡這張照片因它把師母的特色表露無遺(我加些字讓照片看起來像雜誌封面). 請參觀她的部落格看更多紐西蘭之行的照片. (附帶一提: 我們的牧師Gabe也很酷的喔!)
Learning to Talk
Noah is learning to talk. So cute! For those who aren't familiar with Mandarin, here's the list of today's lesson:
嘉信在學講話. 真可愛ㄟ! (以下是給聽不懂中文的一些解釋)
阿嬤 ("a-ma": grandma)
爸爸 ("ba-ba": daddy)
媽媽 ("ma-ma": mommy)
姑姑 ("gu-gu": auntie, father's sister) (my favorite!)
姊姊 ("jie-jie": sister)
踢 ("ti": kick)
八 ("ba": 8)
I love you (我愛你)
踢球 ("ti-chiou": kick a ball) (I'm asking for his action)
quack quack quack (鴨叫聲) (he repeats this sound whenevr CD plays the duck song)
1-2-3-4 (he likes moving his body when I say "1234" or "ABCD")
洗澡 ("shi-tzao": take a bath)
PS. Listen carefully and you'll hear Noah said "I'm okay" in the video.
PSS. Danny was coughing at the end of the video, but he's almost recovered now.
註一: 仔細聽會聽到嘉信說"I'm okay(我很好)" 喔.
註二: 最後會聽到凱旭的咳嗽聲, 但他現在已差不多好了)
嘉信在學講話. 真可愛ㄟ! (以下是給聽不懂中文的一些解釋)
阿嬤 ("a-ma": grandma)
爸爸 ("ba-ba": daddy)
媽媽 ("ma-ma": mommy)
姑姑 ("gu-gu": auntie, father's sister) (my favorite!)
姊姊 ("jie-jie": sister)
踢 ("ti": kick)
八 ("ba": 8)
I love you (我愛你)
踢球 ("ti-chiou": kick a ball) (I'm asking for his action)
quack quack quack (鴨叫聲) (he repeats this sound whenevr CD plays the duck song)
1-2-3-4 (he likes moving his body when I say "1234" or "ABCD")
洗澡 ("shi-tzao": take a bath)
PS. Listen carefully and you'll hear Noah said "I'm okay" in the video.
PSS. Danny was coughing at the end of the video, but he's almost recovered now.
註一: 仔細聽會聽到嘉信說"I'm okay(我很好)" 喔.
註二: 最後會聽到凱旭的咳嗽聲, 但他現在已差不多好了)
Liberty Park
When Noah was shy, he would close his mouth tight and smile.
當嘉信害羞時, 他會把嘴巴緊閉靦腆地笑.
For some reason Noah liked this boy and followed him all over the place. (he loves seeing people wearing hats and glasses, btw)
嘉信很喜歡這個小男孩, 一直跟著他到處走. (嘉信喜歡看人戴帽子與眼鏡)
Does he look like a 17-month-old toddler to you?
Liberty Bell in Liberty Park Community Center (Noah had his 1st class here)
在Liberty Park社區中心的自由鐘(嘉信第一次上課是在這個地方)
The park was so fun that Noah didn't want to leave!
公園實在是太好玩了, 嘉信都不想回家.
當嘉信害羞時, 他會把嘴巴緊閉靦腆地笑.
For some reason Noah liked this boy and followed him all over the place. (he loves seeing people wearing hats and glasses, btw)
嘉信很喜歡這個小男孩, 一直跟著他到處走. (嘉信喜歡看人戴帽子與眼鏡)
Does he look like a 17-month-old toddler to you?
Liberty Bell in Liberty Park Community Center (Noah had his 1st class here)
在Liberty Park社區中心的自由鐘(嘉信第一次上課是在這個地方)
The park was so fun that Noah didn't want to leave!
公園實在是太好玩了, 嘉信都不想回家.
Picnic Pictures
Some picnic and family pictures to share with you (we went out from 10am to 8pm--quite a day).
"Nice to see you, pal!"
Noah loved walking around and...
... licking the ball (yuck)!
... 邊舔著球(哎呀呀)!
Riding a bike... alomost!
騎腳踏車... 幾乎啦.
Ponytail on top--thanks to Noah's hair stylists, cousins Anne & Hannah!
頭頂沖天炮. 謝謝嘉信的髮型設計師--表姊久恩和久馨.
"Nice to see you, pal!"
Noah loved walking around and...
... licking the ball (yuck)!
... 邊舔著球(哎呀呀)!
Riding a bike... alomost!
騎腳踏車... 幾乎啦.
Ponytail on top--thanks to Noah's hair stylists, cousins Anne & Hannah!
頭頂沖天炮. 謝謝嘉信的髮型設計師--表姊久恩和久馨.
I've Got Joy Like A Fountain
We spent a wonderful afternoon with our family on Mother's Day--singing, dancing, and eating, of course! The hymn we sang in the videos expressed our Mother's Day spirit:
I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river,
I’ve got peace like a river in my soul.
I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain,
I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul.
I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean,
I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul.
母親節我們和家人同度一個愉快的下午--唱歌, 跳舞, 當然還有吃吃喝喝! 影片裡所唱的詩歌表達出我們的心情:
我有平安如江河, 我有平安如江河, 我有平安如江河在我心
我有喜樂如泉源, 我有喜樂如泉源, 我有喜樂如泉源在我心
我有主愛如海洋, 我有主愛如海洋, 我有主愛如海洋在我心
The videos are uncut (because Noah was too cute), so it's a little long...
這兩個影片沒有縮剪(因嘉信太可愛了), 所以有點長...
"Irish Dance": Was Noah learned from Jasper & Golda?
"愛爾蘭舞蹈": 難道是嘉信和明悅, 明心姊姊學的嗎?
"Spinning": You might feel dizzy after watching this clip.
"轉圈圈": 看完影片你很可能會頭暈.
I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river,
I’ve got peace like a river in my soul.
I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain,
I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul.
I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean,
I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul.
母親節我們和家人同度一個愉快的下午--唱歌, 跳舞, 當然還有吃吃喝喝! 影片裡所唱的詩歌表達出我們的心情:
我有平安如江河, 我有平安如江河, 我有平安如江河在我心
我有喜樂如泉源, 我有喜樂如泉源, 我有喜樂如泉源在我心
我有主愛如海洋, 我有主愛如海洋, 我有主愛如海洋在我心
The videos are uncut (because Noah was too cute), so it's a little long...
這兩個影片沒有縮剪(因嘉信太可愛了), 所以有點長...
"Irish Dance": Was Noah learned from Jasper & Golda?
"愛爾蘭舞蹈": 難道是嘉信和明悅, 明心姊姊學的嗎?
"Spinning": You might feel dizzy after watching this clip.
"轉圈圈": 看完影片你很可能會頭暈.
Taiwan Trip--Final Note
This picture concludes our Taiwan trip! We'll be back next year! (For pictures from this trip, please click here.)
就讓這張照片總結我們的台灣之行吧! 明年再見囉! (請點悅閱此處看全程照片.)
就讓這張照片總結我們的台灣之行吧! 明年再見囉! (請點悅閱此處看全程照片.)
Some Random Shots
I forgot my digital camera at my sister-in-law's house last Saturday, so I figure to put some random shots from the recent past instead.
因我把相機忘在凱旭二姊家, 所以補一些最近拍的生活照.
Sometimes Noah would fall asleep (and drool!) on highchair right after lunch.
Some people said Noah and Andrew look like brothers.
One day I told Noah his fire truck was shown in "Barney & BJ Go To The Fire Station," and the next day he put the book under the truck. I guess Noah is learning!
有一天我告訴嘉信他的消防車出現在他的一本書裡, 第二天他就把這本書壓在消防車下. 他有在學喔!
Noah loves Mimi's visit!
因我把相機忘在凱旭二姊家, 所以補一些最近拍的生活照.
Sometimes Noah would fall asleep (and drool!) on highchair right after lunch.
Some people said Noah and Andrew look like brothers.
One day I told Noah his fire truck was shown in "Barney & BJ Go To The Fire Station," and the next day he put the book under the truck. I guess Noah is learning!
有一天我告訴嘉信他的消防車出現在他的一本書裡, 第二天他就把這本書壓在消防車下. 他有在學喔!
Noah loves Mimi's visit!
Taiwan Trip--Friends & Relatives
One of the happiest things in Taiwan is seeing friends and relatives.
Our closest church friends, who are also Cheng's family! (I used to babysit the guy in the center, and now he's taller than I!)
我們很要好的教會朋友--他們也姓鄭! (在中間的睿睿小時候我有帶他喔, 沒想要他已比我高了!)
Cute little sisters at church
Danny's uncle, aunt, and cousins
凱旭的大舅, 舅媽, 表兄弟姊妹, 和他們的孩子
2 of my best friends (the ladies)--they are like my sisters. We always got together when back to Taiwan.
和我很要好的兩個妹妹. 每次回台灣我們都會聚一聚.
My childhood neighbor, who is holding Noah, is like a mom to me. (I remember I had problem with math division and she was the one who taught me how to do it)
最疼我的乾媽(還記得小時候學不會除法, 是乾媽教會我的)
Noah with my uncle's son, who is only 3 years older! (my uncle is also 3 years older than I)
嘉信和大他三歲的表舅! (我舅舅也大我三歲)
Noah's uncles, auntie, and cousin
嘉信的舅舅, 舅媽和表哥
Our closest church friends, who are also Cheng's family! (I used to babysit the guy in the center, and now he's taller than I!)
我們很要好的教會朋友--他們也姓鄭! (在中間的睿睿小時候我有帶他喔, 沒想要他已比我高了!)
Cute little sisters at church
Danny's uncle, aunt, and cousins
凱旭的大舅, 舅媽, 表兄弟姊妹, 和他們的孩子
2 of my best friends (the ladies)--they are like my sisters. We always got together when back to Taiwan.
和我很要好的兩個妹妹. 每次回台灣我們都會聚一聚.
My childhood neighbor, who is holding Noah, is like a mom to me. (I remember I had problem with math division and she was the one who taught me how to do it)
最疼我的乾媽(還記得小時候學不會除法, 是乾媽教會我的)
Noah with my uncle's son, who is only 3 years older! (my uncle is also 3 years older than I)
嘉信和大他三歲的表舅! (我舅舅也大我三歲)
Noah's uncles, auntie, and cousin
嘉信的舅舅, 舅媽和表哥
Taiwan Trip--Yong-An Fishing Port
[March 29] Two words to summarize our visit at Yong-An Fishing Port:
1) Enjoyment: nice scenery and fresh seafood :P
2) Relaxation: grandpa carried Noah all the time! They were inseparable!
[三月廿九] 我可用兩個字來總結永安漁港之行:
1) 享受: 怡人的風景與新鮮的海產
2) 輕鬆: 從頭到尾嘉信都是阿公抱著--他們是形影不離!
One of the very few pictures includes all of us.
Too bad the "Rainbow Bridge" was under construction so we couldn't have a higher view of the port.
可惜"彩虹橋"整修中, 無法看到漁港全景
It looks like my dad was holding little me!
Grandma makes this picture much prettier.
"Inseparable Two" (5 out of 6 pictures have them)
"形影不離二人組" (6張照片中有5張包括他們倆)
As the Chinese poem says, "The sunset is im-measurably sweet but will be buried by the nightfall soon!"
如同唐詩所描述的: "夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。"
1) Enjoyment: nice scenery and fresh seafood :P
2) Relaxation: grandpa carried Noah all the time! They were inseparable!
[三月廿九] 我可用兩個字來總結永安漁港之行:
1) 享受: 怡人的風景與新鮮的海產
2) 輕鬆: 從頭到尾嘉信都是阿公抱著--他們是形影不離!
One of the very few pictures includes all of us.
Too bad the "Rainbow Bridge" was under construction so we couldn't have a higher view of the port.
可惜"彩虹橋"整修中, 無法看到漁港全景
It looks like my dad was holding little me!
Grandma makes this picture much prettier.
"Inseparable Two" (5 out of 6 pictures have them)
"形影不離二人組" (6張照片中有5張包括他們倆)
As the Chinese poem says, "The sunset is im-measurably sweet but will be buried by the nightfall soon!"
如同唐詩所描述的: "夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。"
3 Things Noah Loves Doing
These videos show you the things Noah likes doing every day. They're probably nothing special for you to watch but very precious to us, esp. to grandpa and grandma.
這些影片記錄嘉信每天喜歡做的事. 雖然沒什麼特別, 但對我們(尤其對阿公阿嬤)來說是很珍貴的.
1. Play with delight (sorry about the unmatched socks--Noah often lost his socks when sitting in the stroller)
1. 高興地玩(不好意思襪子顏色不一樣--嘉信常坐在推車上弄丟襪子)
2. Read for fun ("Hippos Go Berserk" is his favorite)
2. 快樂地讀("河馬抓狂"是他最喜歡看的書)
3. Eat with a spoon (even the not-so-tasty food seems tasty when Noah eats it)
3. 用湯匙吃飯(即使是沒味道的食物嘉信吃起來似乎都很香)
這些影片記錄嘉信每天喜歡做的事. 雖然沒什麼特別, 但對我們(尤其對阿公阿嬤)來說是很珍貴的.
1. Play with delight (sorry about the unmatched socks--Noah often lost his socks when sitting in the stroller)
1. 高興地玩(不好意思襪子顏色不一樣--嘉信常坐在推車上弄丟襪子)
2. Read for fun ("Hippos Go Berserk" is his favorite)
2. 快樂地讀("河馬抓狂"是他最喜歡看的書)
3. Eat with a spoon (even the not-so-tasty food seems tasty when Noah eats it)
3. 用湯匙吃飯(即使是沒味道的食物嘉信吃起來似乎都很香)
Daddy Is Away From Home Again
Daddy has another business trip, and it's further (2,500 miles) and longer (5 days) than the previous one. We should survive this time because we did great last time!
爸爸又出差了, 而這次比上次更遠(4000公里)更久(5天). 我們應該能像上次一樣好好的.
This is Long Beach Airport--it looks like an apartment building! The picture is dark because it was 6am!
這是長堤機場--看起來好像公寓喔! 因是早上6點鐘, 所以照片看起來暗暗的.
Daddy goes to Orlando, Florida. It's a pity that he won't visit Disney World which is only 15-minute drive away! Maybe next time we'll go together...
爸爸去佛羅里達州的奧蘭多. 可惜他沒時間去迪士尼世界--離住的地方開車才15分! 也許下次我們一起去吧...
爸爸又出差了, 而這次比上次更遠(4000公里)更久(5天). 我們應該能像上次一樣好好的.
This is Long Beach Airport--it looks like an apartment building! The picture is dark because it was 6am!
這是長堤機場--看起來好像公寓喔! 因是早上6點鐘, 所以照片看起來暗暗的.
Daddy goes to Orlando, Florida. It's a pity that he won't visit Disney World which is only 15-minute drive away! Maybe next time we'll go together...
爸爸去佛羅里達州的奧蘭多. 可惜他沒時間去迪士尼世界--離住的地方開車才15分! 也許下次我們一起去吧...
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