
Busy as a Bee (Part I)

Thanks to Edward who has outgrown his costume, Noah could be a busy bee! As soon as I put the costume on him, he couldn't stop spinning. We didn't go out but instead gave daddy a big surprise when he got home from work! (Though he didn't feel very comfortable with the wings because he thought it was too girly.)

(PS. Our Internet service has downgraded from high-speed to low-speed cable, so I have some trouble uploading video, even photos sometimes. That's why very few videos are on the blog recently.)

謝謝長大的俊霆把他的蜜蜂裝給嘉信穿. 好笑的是他一穿上就轉個不停. 雖然我們沒有出門, 但給下班回來的爸爸好一個驚喜! (雖然他覺得這翅膀有點女孩子味)

(註: 由於我們的網路由高速降為低速上網, 我無法將影片上傳部落格, 甚至有時連照片也不行. 這就是為何最近都沒有影片可觀賞)


Friends, Cake, Grandma, Picnic, BBQ, Disneyland, etc, etc

Happy 1st birthday to Jessica! (It was my first time to eat the mango cake--look at all the fresh mango covering the cake!)

祝嘉熙一歲生日快樂! (這是我第一次吃芒果蛋糕--看蓋在蛋糕上一片片新鮮的芒果!)

How cute are the grandma & grandson.

Our young couple fellowship (called True Love) had a picnic at a park in Brea. (Can you imagine how hard it was to gather all the kids together and make them hold still?)

我們的夫婦團契(真愛團契)在Brea的公園野餐. (你能夠想像要把所有小孩聚集在一起不動有多難嗎?)

Candy-N-Noah see-saw time

All-you-can-eat Korean bbp dinner with our worship team. I've never eaten so much beef at a time. The smoke made us smell like meat! Surprisingly I start missing it already :P

和敬拜團去吃吃到飽的韓國烤肉. 我從來沒有一次吃那麼多的肉. 煙使我們聞起來像肉! 讓我驚訝的是我已開始想念起烤肉香了.

Nathan stayed one night at our house. I just couldn't resist the charms of sleeping kids--so peaceful and quiet!

永霖來我們家住一個晚上. 熟睡的孩子實在是太可愛了--如此安詳!

Nathan was teaching Noah ABC/puzzle. I think Noah needed a break.

永霖教嘉信ABC/拼圖. 我想嘉信聽到下課鈴響吧.

As promised, here are some Disneyland pictures.

The new attraction "Finding Nemo Submarine": the line was always long when we came there, so we didn't have a chance to take the ride yet. (Our thumb rule: if the wait is more than 20 minutes, it's not worth it.)

新的遊樂設施"海底總動員潛水艇": 總是大排長龍, 所以我們還沒有坐過. (我們的原則是排隊超過20分鐘的不值得等)

Hope I could take the submarine next time...


No Subj.

Fashionable hairstyles are coming back! Time for the next haircut is not decided yet. We'll see how it goes :)

流行髮型又回來了! 下次剪髮是何時仍未定--看看會有什麼新髮型 :)

One of the things Danny loves to do for fun with Noah is leaving shirts "on head" before getting ready for bath. He seems to like it--he even poses for me!

凱旭很喜歡和嘉信玩的遊戲之一是當準備洗澡時把他的衣服脫在頭上. 看來嘉信很喜歡--還擺姿勢給我看.

WARNING: The next picture might be a little gross for some people. If you think you're one of them, please do not scroll down!

警告: 下一張照片可能對有些人來說有點噁心. 如果你可能是其一, 請勿往下看!

It's not too late to stop...

Today for the very first time Noah actually used his potty (he usually sat on it with pants on when I went to the restroom). After two attempts, here it came, nice size and shape! I was so proud of him that I gave him a big clap. Now whenever he sees his potty, he applauds for himself! At first I wanted to share my joys with Danny by leaving it there till he's back from work, but I changed my mind because of the smell! Never mind--I'll just take a picture to show him and you! (PS. I did a little mosaic to decrease the grossness. I have warned you, haven't I?)

今天嘉信第一次成功地使用便盆(他通常是在當我上廁所時穿著褲子坐在上面). 經過兩次嘗試, 終於有成效(大小軟硬適中)! 我鼓掌喝采, 因我實在為他感到驕傲. 所以現在他只要看到便盆, 就會給自己鼓鼓掌喔! 本來我還想要把便便留在那裡等凱旭下班回來和他分享我的喜悅, 但因它實在不好聞只好作罷. 就拍個照給他和你們留念吧! (備註: 我用了點馬賽克減少清晰度--我可是有警告過你呀.)


A New Life Begins

I found I was pregnant on 9/26/07, the day before we went to Portland. I was so trilled! I didn't expect it so soon because we just tried for 2 months (it took us more than a half year last time), but I liked the SURPRISE! (The reason to put the picture of the pregnancy test: from the same box I used two tests to confirm both pregnancies with Noah and the 2nd. It's expired for a couple months but still good as I was told by the doctor. I don't think I can use the last one to test for the 3rd though!).

9/26/07(去波特蘭的前一天)我發現我懷孕了. 好興奮喔! (我放驗孕器照片的原因: 從同一盒的驗孕器我確定懷了嘉信和老二. 其實它已過期幾個月了, 但醫生說還是有效. 我想是無法用最後一個來驗老三了)

What the life with two little kids will be like? Maybe it's like Danny used one hand to control the wheel of Autopia ride and the other to take a picture; at the same time, he used one leg to push the pedal and the other to secure Noah. Okay, I'm a little exaggerated... (PS. We are back to Disneyland because we got another annual passes. So stay tuned--more Disneyland pictures to come!)

有兩個小孩的生活將是什麼樣呢? 也許就像凱旭用一隻手控制Autopia車車的方向盤, 同時用另一隻手照相, 並且用一隻腳踩踏板, 另一隻腳夾住嘉信. 好啦, 也許誇張一點了... (註: 我們回到狄士尼樂園因我們又有年票了. 敬請期待, 更多狄士尼樂園照片將與您分享!)


What's Up?

Someone is watching me cook (when he is still not too hungry).

Wish school won't start too soon and the backpack won't be too heavy... He's just a baby to me...
希望學校不要太快開學, 書包不要太重... 對我來說他還是個baby...

Nathan is one of Noah's best buddies. Walking hand in hand and sitting next to each other are two of their favorite things.
永霖是嘉信最喜歡的朋友之一. 手牽手一起走和肩並肩一同坐是他們最愛的事.

Have you ever seen a pair of couch potatoes as cute as they are?


Our Trip to Portland (and Washington State)

Pastor Chan, Gloria, Golda, and Jasper (a testimony to share: after knowing that I lost my digital camera, camcorder, and my watch at Portland airport, Pastor Chan gave me his digital camera which he just bought months ago. Even though I missed my camera, which I used to take more than 10,000 pictures in the past 3 years, now every time I use the new camera, I feel God's grace and love.) Click here for this trip's photos taken with the new camera.
陳牧師, 師母, 明心, 明悅(分享一個見證: 一聽到我在波特蘭機場弄丟了數位相機, 錄影機和手錶, 陳牧師就把他新買的數位相機送給我. 雖然我很想念過去三年拍了超過一萬張照片的舊相機, 但每當我用新的相機, 我感受到神的恩典和疼愛) 請點閱此處看這次旅行用新相機拍的照片.

Curious George Noah

We visited two Russian churchs in Washington. Two things I noticed were: 1) Russians are really tall, and 2) kids are very well behaved--they sat quietly for 2 & half hours.
我們參觀在華盛頓州的兩間俄國教會. 兩件事我注意到: 1) 俄國人真的很高; 2) 他們的小孩很乖--兩個半小時的聚會都安靜地坐著.

Thomas probably visited Noah in his dream.

A volcanic landscape after Mount St. Helens' eruption 27 years ago
27年前St. Helens火山爆發後所形成的景觀.

Unfortunately we couldn't see the Mount St. Helens (behind the clouds at top of the picture) after hours' waiting. (Click here for live Webcam--make sure you watch it during the day at PST)
可惜在幾個小時的等待後我們仍無法看到St. Helens火山的全貌(照片上方雲端之後). (點閱此處看現場鏡頭--要在我們此處的白天看喔)

Record high: continental breakfast 5 days in a row. (Danny's favorite: bake-it-yourself waffle)
破記錄: 連續五天吃大陸式早餐. (凱旭的最愛: 自己烤的奶蛋格子餅)

This turtle in Oregon Zoo reminded me of Mission Impossible

Our trip companion: Kia Sedona (aka Noah's favorite toy)
我們旅行的好伙伴: Kia Sedona休旅車(也是嘉信最愛的玩具)

Goodbye sunset, goodbye Portland. (It was the smallest airplane that I've ever taken--Bombardier CRJ-700, for 70 passengers only. To my surprise, it was very smooth!)
再會夕陽, 再會波特蘭. (這是我坐過最小的飛機Bombardier CRJ-700, 只能坐70位乘客. 意外的是非常平穩)

Several interesting things I found in this trip:
1. There's no sales tax in Oregon. (we should buy xbox 360, shouldn't we?)
2. Due to lots of rains, Subaru (4 wheel drive) is very popular there.
3. Gas stations in Oregon are all full service.
1. 奧勒崗州不收營業稅.
2. 由於很常下雨, 很多人開四輪傳動的Subaru汽車.
3. 奧勒崗州的加油站有人為你加油.