
Friends, Cake, Grandma, Picnic, BBQ, Disneyland, etc, etc

Happy 1st birthday to Jessica! (It was my first time to eat the mango cake--look at all the fresh mango covering the cake!)

祝嘉熙一歲生日快樂! (這是我第一次吃芒果蛋糕--看蓋在蛋糕上一片片新鮮的芒果!)

How cute are the grandma & grandson.

Our young couple fellowship (called True Love) had a picnic at a park in Brea. (Can you imagine how hard it was to gather all the kids together and make them hold still?)

我們的夫婦團契(真愛團契)在Brea的公園野餐. (你能夠想像要把所有小孩聚集在一起不動有多難嗎?)

Candy-N-Noah see-saw time

All-you-can-eat Korean bbp dinner with our worship team. I've never eaten so much beef at a time. The smoke made us smell like meat! Surprisingly I start missing it already :P

和敬拜團去吃吃到飽的韓國烤肉. 我從來沒有一次吃那麼多的肉. 煙使我們聞起來像肉! 讓我驚訝的是我已開始想念起烤肉香了.

Nathan stayed one night at our house. I just couldn't resist the charms of sleeping kids--so peaceful and quiet!

永霖來我們家住一個晚上. 熟睡的孩子實在是太可愛了--如此安詳!

Nathan was teaching Noah ABC/puzzle. I think Noah needed a break.

永霖教嘉信ABC/拼圖. 我想嘉信聽到下課鈴響吧.

As promised, here are some Disneyland pictures.

The new attraction "Finding Nemo Submarine": the line was always long when we came there, so we didn't have a chance to take the ride yet. (Our thumb rule: if the wait is more than 20 minutes, it's not worth it.)

新的遊樂設施"海底總動員潛水艇": 總是大排長龍, 所以我們還沒有坐過. (我們的原則是排隊超過20分鐘的不值得等)

Hope I could take the submarine next time...

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