
Baby #2 Updates

Last Thursday I had my first ultrasound and everything went great! The baby was 3.4cm long (not including the length of legs) and 10 weeks old (in the 11th week now). When I saw the little hands and legs moving (waving to me!) and the heart beating fast (twice as fast as ours), I almost cried!

Thanks for all your prayers & supports, and may God bless each one of you for your love!

上星期四第一次照超音波, 一切都正常. 胎兒3.4公分長(不包括腳長), 10週大. 當我看到baby的小手小腳在動(是向我招手吧), 心臟快速地跳著(胎兒的心跳比大人快一倍), 我感動的快哭出來了!

感謝你們的關心和代禱, 願神紀念你們的愛心!

This baby ticker is way too cool. As you already see, I've added the ticker on my blog (at left) so you can see how my baby #2 grows! Enjoy :)

這個胎兒模擬圖片很酷喔! 如同你所見, 我已把這個圖片加在部落格上(見左), 好讓你看著胎兒一天天長大.

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