
I Love Music

Noah went to another class called "Kids Love Music Holiday Special." It turned out to be a private lesson becuase he was the only one showed up yesterday. He liked the teacher and music, so he could pay attention during the whole 30-min class. He even learned to ring the bell... by hitting his head (we are working on it)... It was so funny when we sang goodbye song in the end, Noah stood up, went forward, and gave the teacher a hug. (Oops, Daddy is gonna be jealous...)

嘉信昨天去上音樂課, 結果只有他一個小朋友出席, 變成一對一教學. 因他蠻喜歡老師和音樂, 所以能夠整堂課30分鐘沒有分心. 他還學會搖鈴鐺... 只不過是用頭敲... 有趣的是當我們唱再會歌時, 嘉信站起來向前抱抱老師! (爸爸吃醋了...)

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