
New Challenge--Again!

This week has been quite a challenge to us: at night when we put Noah into the crib, he started crying seriously... Is it because of separation anxiety or new stage on walking (see the previous challenge from standing)? We really don't know. However, we have to confess: most of time we helped Noah to fall asleep in our bed, and transferred him to the crib after he fell asleep. We started doing so when he was 3 months old. Eczema made him very itchy and we had to stop him from scratching too much. Although the eczema had gone away, we still kept doing so because usually Noah would fall asleep fast in this way. So, here we are, teaching Noah that the crib is where he should lie down and sleep. I think he grasps the concept a little bit, so the crying is getting shorter and shorter... Funny thing is he doesn't fall asleep on back, just on side and stomach... Also, he learned that he could lie down when he got tired from playing, which never happened before...

這個星期對我們來說蠻挑戰的: 晚上當我們把嘉信放進嬰兒床, 他就哭的很傷心... 是因為不想和我們分開或是因為開始會走路(專家如此說)? 我們真的不知道. 然而, 我們必須供認從他三個月大開始, 為了要避免他抓養使溼疹更嚴重, 我們把他放在我們的床上幫他入睡, 等他睡著後再放進嬰兒床. 即使溼疹已好了, 我們仍然如此做, 因他比較快能入睡. 現在我們開始訓練嘉信嬰兒床是他要躺下睡覺的地方, 他似乎慢慢地了解, 也因此哭的時間愈來愈短了. 好玩的是他不會躺著睡, 只會側睡或趴睡... 此外他也學到在玩得累的時候也可以躺下來--這是從來沒有發生過的!

This is why his hairs look so "flat" recently. (See the 1st picture of the previous posting.)

Nap time (we wonder whether it's comfortable)

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