
Go, PJ!

Today we were so excited because it was the day Pastor James was ordained. I've known their family for more than 7 years (I used to babysit their kids when I went to school)! James and Helen are one of sweetest couples I know, and the biggest thing I learn from them is having passion for God and compassion for people.

今天是令人興奮的一天, 因為是俞傳道按牧的日子. 我已認識他們七年多(在我念書的時候曾經幫忙看他們的小孩). 我從這對甜蜜夫妻身上學到要對神發熱心, 對人發慈心.

Thanksgiving to God: for so many "good soldiers" around for us to follow their examples!

向神感恩的事: 有這麼多的"精兵"在身邊成為我們學習的榜樣.

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