
That's Why Daddy Always Wins

I'm Daddy's secret weapon: When Daddy was competing in a racing video game, I would try my best to distract his opponent. So that's the reason why he always wins! Daddy even gave my assignment a secret code "MP3"--mission possible 3 (I'll share with you the other 2 assignments later).

我是爸爸的秘密武器: 當爸爸和別人比賽電玩賽車, 我會盡我所能讓他的對手分心. 這就是為何爸爸總是領先!

(PS from Mommy: the fact is that Noah likes Alex very, very much--every time we took him away from Alex, he just went back to him right away! Daddy is jealous ^_^')

(媽媽補充: 事實是嘉信很喜歡Alex哥哥--每次我們把他抱開, 他總是立刻回去他身邊! 爸爸吃醋嘍!)

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