
No Subj.

Fashionable hairstyles are coming back! Time for the next haircut is not decided yet. We'll see how it goes :)

流行髮型又回來了! 下次剪髮是何時仍未定--看看會有什麼新髮型 :)

One of the things Danny loves to do for fun with Noah is leaving shirts "on head" before getting ready for bath. He seems to like it--he even poses for me!

凱旭很喜歡和嘉信玩的遊戲之一是當準備洗澡時把他的衣服脫在頭上. 看來嘉信很喜歡--還擺姿勢給我看.

WARNING: The next picture might be a little gross for some people. If you think you're one of them, please do not scroll down!

警告: 下一張照片可能對有些人來說有點噁心. 如果你可能是其一, 請勿往下看!

It's not too late to stop...

Today for the very first time Noah actually used his potty (he usually sat on it with pants on when I went to the restroom). After two attempts, here it came, nice size and shape! I was so proud of him that I gave him a big clap. Now whenever he sees his potty, he applauds for himself! At first I wanted to share my joys with Danny by leaving it there till he's back from work, but I changed my mind because of the smell! Never mind--I'll just take a picture to show him and you! (PS. I did a little mosaic to decrease the grossness. I have warned you, haven't I?)

今天嘉信第一次成功地使用便盆(他通常是在當我上廁所時穿著褲子坐在上面). 經過兩次嘗試, 終於有成效(大小軟硬適中)! 我鼓掌喝采, 因我實在為他感到驕傲. 所以現在他只要看到便盆, 就會給自己鼓鼓掌喔! 本來我還想要把便便留在那裡等凱旭下班回來和他分享我的喜悅, 但因它實在不好聞只好作罷. 就拍個照給他和你們留念吧! (備註: 我用了點馬賽克減少清晰度--我可是有警告過你呀.)

1 comment:

Cheri said...

congratulations to noah!!!... and to both of you! how exciting!