
I Miss The Beach

Today we had a present picnic lunch at Disneyland with Cheri & Andrew (click here to see their recent adventure there) and then did some shopping for Taiwan trip. (Yay--only 10 more days to count!) When we were about to leave the parking (and Noah was napping hard in the back seat), all of a sudden I was in the mood to drive to the beach!

It's really a perfect day to go out!

今天和Cheri, Andrew去迪士尼樂園野餐之後(點閱此處看他們最近在那兒的探險), 我們也買些紀念品要帶回台灣. (再十天就要回去了!) 在要離開停車場時(嘉信早已熟睡), 我心血來潮開車去看海!


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