
Mission Team to New Zealand

What a powerful and beautiful mission team! Our church sends total 18 brothers (including little Andrew!) and sisters to encourage and minister sister churches in New Zealand from 4/5 to 4/20. We are very excited about it because God will do new things, not only to the churches in NZ but also to our church!

這支結合力與美的短宣隊是由我們教會的18位弟兄姊妹所組成的(包括小Andrew!). 他們將於4/5~4/20至紐西蘭服事姊妹教會. 我們為此感到興奮, 因為神將行新事--不但在紐西蘭的教會, 也在我們的教會.

We went to the airport to say goodbye. (Can you find the extra 2 people in the picture?)
我們到機場送行. (你能夠找到多出來的2個人嗎?)

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