
San Diego Zoo

Thanks to Danny's friend for giving us free tickets to San Diego Zoo, so we could enjoy God's creation (and creativity too). Besides, Noah should get to know the passengers on "Noah's Ark."

感謝凱旭的朋友送我們聖地牙哥動物園的門票, 使我們可以欣賞神的創造. 此外, "挪亞"應該認識挪亞方舟上的乘客.

This cute little girl kept offering Noah her cookies (okay, I know Noah is charming). It turned out she was born only one day later than he.
這個小女孩一直要拿餅乾給嘉信吃(好啦, 我知道嘉信很迷人). 沒想到妹妹只比嘉信晚一天出生.
"Flamingopeacock" (vs. sheepdog)
"牧鶴孔雀"(vs. 牧羊犬)

Give me a break #1 (Why did I keep taking pictures of someone's rear end?)
"可以讓我休息一下嗎?"之一 (為何我老是拍人家的屁股ㄌㄟ?)
Give me a break #2
Noah was more interested with the kids than the goats.
A beautiful and quiet place to end the visit.

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