
It's A Girl!

This morning before I left home to take another ultrasound, I did an interesting baby gender prediction test which is using old wives' tales and found I have a 55% chance of having a girl (45% a boy, of course). Guess what? The ultrasound shows I'm having a GIRL!

btw, I first felt baby kicking on Christmas Day, when Noah was laughing hard near my belly!

今早在我出門要去照超音波前, 我在網上作了一個有趣的測驗(是基於老一輩的傳說)來預測嬰孩性別. 結果是我有55%的機率生女孩(當然就是45%生男孩). 阿哈! 超音波顯示我懷的是女孩子.

附帶一提: 我在聖誕節那天第一次感覺到baby在動, 正當嘉信在我肚旁笑呵呵時!

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