
Jumper Party

It was Noah's first time going to a jumper party, which was for Esther's 6th birthday. At first he was afraid of the noise from the air pump, but he warmed up at no time.

嘉信第一次參加"跳跳樂派對"(我自己隨便翻譯的), 慶祝Esther的6歲生日. 一開始他有點怕打氣機的聲音, 但馬上就暖好身玩起來了.

Pardon me for my creepy voice... (you see how nervous I was)
對我嚇人的聲音真感抱歉... (可知我有多緊張)

Too bad I wasn't allowed by friends to play the jumpers due to my pregnancy... (Thanks to Samantha & Jonathan for playing with Noah)

因我懷孕朋友不允許我玩, 好可惜呦... (感謝Samantha和Jonathan帶Noah玩)

When the party host announced it was time for group pictures, Noah run to the front, sat on the ground, and held still like this.

當主持人要小朋友們排好照團體照, 嘉信自己跑到前面坐在地上不動讓大人照相.

Seeing Noah sat at the table nicely with other kids makes me imagine how his school days will be like.

看到嘉信和其他的小朋友乖乖坐著吃東西, 讓我想像到將來他上學的情景.

Anne-Marie & Noah, looking tired after all the jumpings and shoutings.


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