
Besides Getting Ready for the 2nd Baby

We met our old friends Tim and Linda at Costco, with their FOUR kids (you heard me right), Katherine, Grace, Annabel, and Theodore. Tim and Linda are one of the best couples I've ever known. We got a lot of helpful parenting advices from them.

我們在"好事多"遇到老朋友陳挺, 菁瑜, 和他們*四*個孩子(你沒有看錯)--Katherine, Grace, Annabel, Theodore. 陳挺和菁瑜是我所認識的模範夫妻之一. 在教養子女上他們給我們許多寶貴的建議.

Welcome cousins Anne & Hannah back from Taiwan. Let's wear hoods together to celebrate the reunion!

歡迎表姊久恩久馨從台灣回來. 讓我們都戴帽子來慶祝吧!

With his buddy Brandon

Father/Son Couple

This might be 2009's new hairstyle (cutting Noah's hairs is on my things-to-do-before-the-2nd-baby-comes list)

這可能是2009年最新髮型(在妹妹出生前要做的事之一: 剪嘉信的頭髮)

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