
A Little Fellow Visited

That day I wasn't waken up by Noah but by a little fellow--our neighbor's cat! He was accidentally locked inside our garage overnight. I felt so scared at first because it sounded like someone was breaking into our house (our bedroom is next to the garage). After I came to my senses, I picked up my camera, made sure Noah was sleeping tight, and opened the garage door. CLICK!

那天我不是被嘉信而是被一個小傢伙--鄰居的貓--吵醒! 我們不小心把他鎖在車庫裏整夜. 起先我感到很害怕, 因聽起來像有人闖空門(我們房間的隔壁是車庫). 等到我回過神來, 我拿起相機, 確定嘉信睡得熟, 然後打開車庫門. 喀喳!

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