
Play & Grow Baby Pals

On Tuesday Noah went to his 1st class, "Play & Grow Baby Pals." It's really funny to see him interact with other babies, and he's not shy at all! He tried to reach every pal during the class (or should I say toys). One thing interesting about California is the diversity of nationalities--even in such a small class of seven babies!

星期二嘉信第一次上課(課名:和玩伴一同遊戲與成長). 看嘉信和其他嬰兒互動很有趣, 他一點也不害羞! 他向每個嬰孩爬過去(或著該說向著別人的玩具). 加州特色之一就是文化熔爐 --即使在只有七個嬰兒的課堂!

Noah was the only one not sitting next to us...

Noah was also the only one crawling thru the tunnel (and so was I--the teacher made me!)

Again he was the only one sitting in the center while parents were making waves above them...

My conclusion: Noah is very SOCIAL (he got it from Danny).
結論: 嘉信很喜歡社交(遺傳自凱旭)


Candace said...

What fun it was to come across your blog. You guys look like your having a great time! I am a new mom of a little angel girl.Ours is princessprewitt. When I am up at our midnight feedings I check out the random blogs. Yours was the first one I have seen with another baby.

Cheri said...

that class looks like a lot of fun. you'll have to tell me all about it! :)