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Thanks for all your prayers, Noah has almost recovered from roseola--no more fever but a few red spots on the body. The good news is the rash isn't itchy or uncomfortable. Since it's contagious, Noah and I stayed at home on Sunday.

謝謝大家的禱告, 嘉信的玫瑰疹差不多好了--已沒有發燒只是身上有一點疹子. 好消息是這種疹既不癢也不會不舒服. 因怕傳染給其他的小朋友, 星期天我們倆留在家裡沒去教會.

Church was coming to our home! Cheri & Andrew arranged a wonderful Sunday service for us--sing-spiration, message, and even lunch (not shown here--we ate them already).
教會來我家! Cheri和Andrew為我們安排了主日崇拜--從敬拜讚美, 信息, 甚至午餐(吃掉了所以沒在照片中).

A card "written" by Andrew. How cute is that! (there's a cross in the middle)
Andrew所"寫"的卡片. 太可愛了! (中間有個十字架)

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