
Our Beloved Pastor

After serving our church for almost 10 years, today our beloved Pastor Lin gave his last sermon to brothers and sisters. It's hard to say goodbye, but we are happy for them because God has another plan for their family.

經過將近十年在教會的服事, 今天我們所敬愛的林牧師對弟兄姊妹講他最後的一篇道. 雖然依依不捨, 但我們很為他們高興, 因神對他們一家有更美的計畫.

Thanks to Pastor Lin for being our wedding officiant and Mrs. Lin for arranging the reception (yummy!) five years ago
感謝五年前林牧師做我們的主婚人, 而林師母幫我們安排美味的點心.

Their children Julie (my bridesmaid) and Joshua. They are the very few young people I know who love living with their parents (they are a very close family).
他們的寶貝孩子貞妤(我的伴娘)和耕宇. 他們是我所認識極少數喜歡和父母住在一起的青少年(他們一家很親).

This is a little gift our fellowship made for their family. We all were single when we first met them, and now look at all the kids! (It says, "You are good and faithful servants who honor God and love people. It is so hard to say farewell but our blessings are full.")

這是我們團契送給牧師一家小小的禮物. 想當年我們都還單身, 如今小孩成群! (上面寫著: "忠心良僕, 敬主愛人, 臨別依依, 祝福滿滿.")

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