
Learning to Talk

Noah is learning to talk. So cute! For those who aren't familiar with Mandarin, here's the list of today's lesson:

嘉信在學講話. 真可愛ㄟ! (以下是給聽不懂中文的一些解釋)

阿嬤 ("a-ma": grandma)
爸爸 ("ba-ba": daddy)
媽媽 ("ma-ma": mommy)
姑姑 ("gu-gu": auntie, father's sister) (my favorite!)
姊姊 ("jie-jie": sister)
踢 ("ti": kick)
八 ("ba": 8)
I love you (我愛你)
踢球 ("ti-chiou": kick a ball) (I'm asking for his action)
quack quack quack (鴨叫聲) (he repeats this sound whenevr CD plays the duck song)
1-2-3-4 (he likes moving his body when I say "1234" or "ABCD")
洗澡 ("shi-tzao": take a bath)

PS. Listen carefully and you'll hear Noah said "I'm okay" in the video.
PSS. Danny was coughing at the end of the video, but he's almost recovered now.

註一: 仔細聽會聽到嘉信說"I'm okay(我很好)" 喔.
註二: 最後會聽到凱旭的咳嗽聲, 但他現在已差不多好了)

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Wow! Noah and I should be taking lessons together! by the way, for this lesson, I say, "shieh shieh!"