
Taiwan Trip--Friends & Relatives

One of the happiest things in Taiwan is seeing friends and relatives.

Our closest church friends, who are also Cheng's family! (I used to babysit the guy in the center, and now he's taller than I!)
我們很要好的教會朋友--他們也姓鄭! (在中間的睿睿小時候我有帶他喔, 沒想要他已比我高了!)

Cute little sisters at church
Danny's uncle, aunt, and cousins
凱旭的大舅, 舅媽, 表兄弟姊妹, 和他們的孩子
2 of my best friends (the ladies)--they are like my sisters. We always got together when back to Taiwan.
和我很要好的兩個妹妹. 每次回台灣我們都會聚一聚.

My childhood neighbor, who is holding Noah, is like a mom to me. (I remember I had problem with math division and she was the one who taught me how to do it)
最疼我的乾媽(還記得小時候學不會除法, 是乾媽教會我的)

Noah with my uncle's son, who is only 3 years older! (my uncle is also 3 years older than I)
嘉信和大他三歲的表舅! (我舅舅也大我三歲)
Noah's uncles, auntie, and cousin
嘉信的舅舅, 舅媽和表哥

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