
Our Pastor's Wife Is Way Too Cool

Can you believe she is our pastor's wife? I like this photo because it protraits her very well (I can't help adding on some words to make it look like a magazine cover). Visit her family's blog to see more pictures of their NZ vacation. (btw, our pastor Gabe is also cool!)

你能相信她是我教會牧師的太太嗎? 我很喜歡這張照片因它把師母的特色表露無遺(我加些字讓照片看起來像雜誌封面). 請參觀她的部落格看更多紐西蘭之行的照片. (附帶一提: 我們的牧師Gabe也很酷的喔!)


Cheri said...

I can't believe I made the cover! :)

That looks pretty professional, Amy. thank you!!!

Danny & Amy said...

It's you (cheri) who look pretty professional :)