
Memorial Weekend

Our long weekend, which is Danny's short weekend (only Sunday off), was spent with family. I enjoyed seeing the kids playing together. They were so funny, energetic, and creative! (Kids can play a simple thing in ten different ways. That's amazing!) Noah always learned new tricks from the cousins. This time he learned how to throw a ball (finally he can let go of a ball).

我們的長週末(卻是凱旭的短週末, 因他只有星期天沒上班)是和家人一同度過的. 我很喜歡看孩子們玩在一塊, 充滿樂趣, 精力, 和創意! (一個小東西小孩子可以有十幾種玩法, 實在奇妙!) 嘉信總是從表姊們學到新的絕活. 這次他學到如何丟球(終於捨得讓球離手了).

A beer belly or a bear belly?
Noah's shy smile
PS. I should let Noah wean from bottle earlier--look what it's done to his mouth :P
附註: 我應該早一點讓嘉信戒奶瓶. 看看他的嘴巴 :p

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