
Places We Visited (So Far...)

Cerritos Library (interior)
Cerritos Library (exterior)
Cerritos Sports Complex (We watched Ben's soccer game)
Getty Museum
Santa Monica Pier
"Wake up, sister! We still have a lot of places to visit..."
"儒蕙姊姊快起來, 我們還有很多地方沒去ㄋㄟ..."


A Friend Brought Us Summer Vacation

A friend from Taiwan is visiting us and will stay for a month. I feel like having school summer vacation again (last one was 8 years ago)! More pictures to come--if I can find time to post :)

台灣的朋友來美看我們, 帶給我們暑假的感覺(我最後的一個暑假是在八年前)! 更多的照片將與你分享--如果我能找到時間上部落格 :)


A Lot of Rest

Noah and I didn't go out for a couple days until he fully recovered, so we took a lot of rest... well, maybe too much rest...

嘉信和我沒出門直到他完全康復, 所以我們在家好好休息... 也許休息太多了...

Front View
Side View

Top View

Click here to see another posting about hairs. When the "spiking pictures" were posted on the blog, it was about time to have haircut.

點閱此處看其他龐克頭的照片. 每當這照片出現在部落格, 就是該剪頭髮的時候了

He was REALLY bored.


Back to Normal

Thanks for all your prayers, Noah has almost recovered from roseola--no more fever but a few red spots on the body. The good news is the rash isn't itchy or uncomfortable. Since it's contagious, Noah and I stayed at home on Sunday.

謝謝大家的禱告, 嘉信的玫瑰疹差不多好了--已沒有發燒只是身上有一點疹子. 好消息是這種疹既不癢也不會不舒服. 因怕傳染給其他的小朋友, 星期天我們倆留在家裡沒去教會.

Church was coming to our home! Cheri & Andrew arranged a wonderful Sunday service for us--sing-spiration, message, and even lunch (not shown here--we ate them already).
教會來我家! Cheri和Andrew為我們安排了主日崇拜--從敬拜讚美, 信息, 甚至午餐(吃掉了所以沒在照片中).

A card "written" by Andrew. How cute is that! (there's a cross in the middle)
Andrew所"寫"的卡片. 太可愛了! (中間有個十字架)



Noah has been sick with fever for couple days, and doc said he might have roseola but nothing to worry about. He is still a funny happy kid but with less energy and appetite...

嘉信這幾天發燒, 醫生說他可能得玫瑰疹, 但不需要擔心. 他仍是個快樂寶貝, 只不過較沒有精神和胃口...

He found the tiles could cool him off and Pooh was the softest cushion.
A lot of reading and TV time (usually he isn't allowed to watch TV) to keep him entertained. (Do you notice his hair style changes a little?)
許多讀書和看電視的時間(通常是不能看電視的)消遣一下. (你有否注意到他的髮型有點不同?)


Hokey Pokey

Check out Noah's latest dance moves!

Feel like to sing along? Here are the lyrics:
想一起唱嗎? 歌詞如下:

You put your left hand in,
You put your left hand out;
You put your left hand in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

(right foot, left foot, belly button, head, whole self)


This Is the Way Noah Jumps

(Note: Moving the sofa cushions to the ground is one of his favorite games.)
(註: 把沙發墊搬到地上是嘉信最愛的遊戲之一.)



This is a page from Noah's Bible. Sometimes Noah would try to pick up the "sun" to the mouth and make the chewing sound.
這是嘉信聖經的其中一頁. 有時他會試著把"太陽"抓起放到嘴邊, 並發出嚼東西的聲音.

The sun looks like his favorite little cookies. That's why!
太陽看起來很像他最喜歡的點心小饅頭. 原來如此!
Noah left this cute couple for me when I was washing dishes in the kitchen. Finally he knew who "Noah's wife's husband" really was!
當我在廚房洗碗的時候, 嘉信把這對可愛的夫妻放在我面前. 他終於知道誰是挪亞太太真正的丈夫!


Worship Team's 1st Gathering

This year Danny & I joined our church's worship team (He is the vocalist and I do Power-Point ). Here are some pictures from our first gathering at Brother Liu's house.
今年凱旭和我加入教會的敬拜團(他唱歌我打投影片). 這些照片是我們第一次的家庭團聚在劉哥家所拍的.

2 moms smiled for the camera, hiding their exhausion from the day pretty well!
兩個媽對鏡頭笑一個, 把一天的疲勞藏得很好.
The youngest vocalist!

Listen carefully and you'll hear Noah says "Amen" (the timing was good) and "Perfect."


Happy Father's Day

We put a little decor on the wall to appreciate Danny's love for our family. Nothing expresses it better than Noah's smile. Happy Father's Day! (In Taiwan, Father's Day is on August 8 because it sounds like "ba-ba" (daddy in Chinese)

我們在牆上放了小小的裝飾來感謝凱旭對這個家所付出的愛. 沒有什麼能比嘉信的笑容表達地更好. 父親節快樂!


Giddy Up!

Who's this handsome cowboy???

(Note: To ease grandparents' homesickness from the one-month trip to China, I'll try to post as often as I can. The ordinary pictures/videos will bring them extra joy in the foreign place.)

(附註: 阿公阿嬤去中國一個月, 為了不讓他們會太想家, 我會常常在部落格加東西. 在人生地不熟之處, 普普通通的照片/影片都能帶給他們格外的喜樂)


Noah Is One and A Half!

Yes, he still smiles all the time, eats almost everything (thanks to his cooking-not-so-well mom who doesn't spoil his taste buds :P), dances on all occasions.... He is such a happy boy!
是的, 他仍然笑口常開, 什麼都吃(這還得謝謝他不太會煮菜的媽媽沒把他的味覺寵壞 :P), 到處跳舞.... 總而言之他是開心果!


Let's Go for A Walk

Now Noah can go for a walk with us--I mean walking by himself, not sitting on stroller. He actually does a great job, if not suddenly turning 180° and walking until we stop him...

嘉信能和我們一起散步了--不是坐娃娃車而是自己走喔! 他走得又快又穩, 只是會突然轉個180°繼續走, 直到我們攔住他.

I found a secret about Danny: He kind of forgot how to play a swing. I needed to push him first and then he could keep it swinging. I teased him a little bit, thinking he was very cute :) (I'll let you know if he can play the swing by himself next time when we go to the park.)

我發現凱旭的一個秘密: 他忘記如何玩盪鞦韆. 我需要先推他一把, 然後他就可以自己盪. 我笑了好一會, 覺得他真可愛 :) (下次我們去公園時, 我會告訴你他會不會自己盪鞦韆了.)


Some Updates

At the Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach
Noah has a sister?
Every week after church, Angie loves playing with Noah.
When Noah saw this SUV at Laguna Beach, he ran to it, knelt down, and KISSED the headlight! (Does he learn from his mechanic dad?)

嘉信一看到這部車就跑過去跪下來親車燈! (難道是跟他愛玩車的爸爸學的?)

At the Heritage Park in Cerritos (whenever we said "Time to go," he started crying)
在公園(每當我們說"下來", 他就開始哭)
A note from daddy and mommy: thanks to Danny's mom, we had a little date to watch a movie (it's been two years since last time we went to a movie theater!) Here's a picture to prove it--we saw Spiderman 3, not The Simpsons though. Boy, I miss the smell of popcorns and the impact of surround sound...

爸爸媽媽的補充: 感謝凱旭媽媽看嘉信, 讓我們有個小約會去看電影(兩年沒去電影院了!) 有這張照片存證(但我們看的是蜘蛛人3). 還真懷念爆米花的香味和立體聲的震撼...


Kidspace Children's Museum

Here are some highlights from our visiting at Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena.


"Bee & Butterfly Garden " (there are real bees behind us!)
"蜜和蝶花園" (有真的蜜蜂在我們後面!)
Even under 0.1 mph (Noah's legs couldn't reach the pedals), Daddy still insisted on wearing him a helmet. Safety first is important!
即使是小於時速一公尺(嘉信的腿搆不著踏板), 爸爸還是堅持要他戴安全帽. 安全第一是很重要的.
Bubble time! (Instead of Noah, I want you to focus on Danny--see the next picture)
吹泡泡! (這次請仔細看凱旭--看下一張)
"The great man is he who does not lose his child's-heart." --Mencius
"大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。" (孟子)
(白話: 未曾失去赤子之心的人是最了不起的。)
Look what we ate for lunch. We had a hard time to choose!
Thanks to chocolate milk--Noah knew how to use a straw by accident!

The walls of our house are in danger >_< 家裡牆壁危險了>_<


Colors of Life

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses!

When Noah and I went for a walk in our neighborhood, I was enchanted by the colors of the flowers! So I decided to take some pictures and played the color game.

You might notice that I change the header banner of our blog. I asked Danny whether the new one was too girly and he thought it was bearable. So I'll keep it like this for now. (The baby days counter was moved to the end of the page in case you lose track.)

當我和嘉信在家附近散步時, 我深深地被五顏六色的花草吸引住! 因此我臨時起意拍些照片, 玩起顏色遊戲.

也許你注意到我們部落格的標題圖片不一樣了. 我問凱旭新的圖片是否太女孩味, 他覺得還可以忍受, 因此暫時就用這圖片吧. (如果你忘了嘉信有多大, 原來的年齡計算圖移到最後了)


Our Beloved Pastor

After serving our church for almost 10 years, today our beloved Pastor Lin gave his last sermon to brothers and sisters. It's hard to say goodbye, but we are happy for them because God has another plan for their family.

經過將近十年在教會的服事, 今天我們所敬愛的林牧師對弟兄姊妹講他最後的一篇道. 雖然依依不捨, 但我們很為他們高興, 因神對他們一家有更美的計畫.

Thanks to Pastor Lin for being our wedding officiant and Mrs. Lin for arranging the reception (yummy!) five years ago
感謝五年前林牧師做我們的主婚人, 而林師母幫我們安排美味的點心.

Their children Julie (my bridesmaid) and Joshua. They are the very few young people I know who love living with their parents (they are a very close family).
他們的寶貝孩子貞妤(我的伴娘)和耕宇. 他們是我所認識極少數喜歡和父母住在一起的青少年(他們一家很親).

This is a little gift our fellowship made for their family. We all were single when we first met them, and now look at all the kids! (It says, "You are good and faithful servants who honor God and love people. It is so hard to say farewell but our blessings are full.")

這是我們團契送給牧師一家小小的禮物. 想當年我們都還單身, 如今小孩成群! (上面寫著: "忠心良僕, 敬主愛人, 臨別依依, 祝福滿滿.")


Welcome Home, Daddy

Noah's highlight of the day is daddy's coming home from work. He would talk to daddy about what he's done for the day (I guess...) and show him some new tricks he just learned (eg. throwing a ball on the head).

嘉信一天最高興的事是爸爸下班回來. 他會告訴爸爸他今天做了什麼(我猜的), 還會表演新的絕活(如把球丟在頭上!).