Bye Bye Summer
We say goodbye to summer at beach in Corona del Mar (probably the last time to the beach this year). Here are some highlights:
真不敢相信今天已是九月的最後一天, 秋天也已悄悄地到了(更準確地說, 9月23是秋天的第一天). 我們已將衣服換季了--當然也包括嘉信的小衣服!
我們去了Corona del Mar的海灘向夏天說再見(這應該是今年最後一次去海邊了). 以下是一些照片與你分享:
A Few Things
1. At 9 month well-baby checkup, Noah had hemoglobin test to check for anemia by a pinprick on the finger. He didn't cry a bit but was curious about the band-aid!
嘉信在九個月的身體檢查時, 醫生檢驗血紅素看看是否有貧血. 雖然小手被針刺了一下, 卻都沒有哭, 只是對OK繃很好奇!
2. Later, the Barbers visited our house. Andrew and Noah had a fun time together (this isn't a perfect picture but shows you how busy the boys, including Gabe, were playing).
身體檢查完後, Barbers一家人來我們家坐坐. Andrew和嘉信又有一次玩在一起的機會(這張照片拍的不好, 但可看出他們--包括Gabe--很認真在玩)
3. "Beaty & the Beast" is the 1st book torn by Noah! At first, we said "WOW" to him but then corrected him with a firm "NO." (We shouldn't be proud, should we?) Hope he didn't get confused... Maybe it's his way to protest against girl stories.
"美女與野獸"是第一本被嘉信撕破的書! 起先我們說他好棒, 但之後立刻更正他. 希望他不會感到困惑... 也許是因為他不喜歡女孩子的故事書.
1st Shoes
謝謝Cheri送給嘉信可愛的鞋子. 因這是他的第一双鞋鞋, 我們會把它留作紀念! 等將來(希望不是不久的將來)嘉信腳長大後再與這双鞋比較大小, 一定非常有趣...
Kiss Me
看嘉信親別人, 不, 是親自己真有趣! 他連親好幾次, 我數到十就放棄數下去了... 你猜他是遺傳爸爸或媽媽?
Better distract him from kissing himself too much (this is his first car)...
為避免他親太多, 我最好讓他分散注意力一會兒 (這是他的第一部車車)...
San Diego
週末我們和阿嬤, 大姑姑去聖地牙哥的海洋世界玩, 我們玩得不亦樂乎--
Noah with the 3 musketeers, no, 3 manatees....
嘉信和三劍客, 不, 是三海牛...
Daddy is my bath tub!
Play hard and nap hard.
認真地玩, 認真地睡.
Aren't they cute? (auntie got wet from Shipwreck Rapids--you're brave, anutie!)
倆小無猜 (姑姑玩急流泛舟全身都濕了--姑姑好勇敢喔!)
Happy dad & son :)
When we watched Shamu's show "Believe," a lady volunteered to give Noah a shade by sitting behind us. We're blessed! (what a pretty umbrella)
當我們看Shamu的秀"Believe", 有一個撐著傘的小姐特意坐在我們的後面要幫我們遮太陽, 我們好有福氣喔 (她的雨傘真漂亮)!
Noah was exhausted from the 2-day trip, so he took a good nap for almost 3 hours, falling asleep just after the show and not waking up until we nearly drove back home!
經過兩天的旅途, 嘉信累到睡著, 且一睡就快三個小時--從秀看完到我們開車快開到家!
Sushi Day
Today's special for the "twins" (in Mandarin, "shuang-bao-tai"): Cheri and I tried wasabi and barley tea. We hope our boys can still sleep tight at night...
New Horizon
嘉信近來一天比一天活潑... 他好愛站起來喔! 看他把屁股翹高高為了要站起來的樣子真可愛. 恭喜嘉信--新的視野, 看的更廣!
Bye bye, those "sit-up" days... (Noah did so even before he could turn over)
再見了, 過去常作仰臥起坐的日子(在嘉信還不會翻身前就如此)...
PS. These couple days Noah kept saying "Mamamama....." with a crying tone when he needed me. Confession: I enjoyed listening to it so much that I delayed a little to response!
註: 這幾天當嘉信需要我的時候, 會撒嬌地說"媽媽媽媽..."
Hi, Pluto!
He is the biggest dog Noah has ever seen! (Quick Fact: Pluto was named after the planet Pluto which was discovered in 1930, the same year that the character was introduced.)
This is not another attraction at Disneyland. It's the escalator of their parking structure. (for Noah, it's also fun to take!)
這不是另一個迪士尼好玩的東西, 而是停車場的手扶梯. (對嘉信來說, 這一樣很有趣!)
Park Day
Noah made new friends!
He took a nice nap after all the fun at the park! (I can't help myself taking pictures when Noah is sleeping--he looks so peaceful!)
在公園玩玩之後, 他睡了個大午覺! (我不得不拍嘉信睡覺時的照片, 因他看起來好安詳!)
btw, happy 9-month birthday to Noah!
對了, 祝嘉信九個月生日快樂!
And the Winner Is...
Here's a picture of our church's baby boys. Hope we have more girls to come! (Noah kept playing twin bro Andrew's feet--maybe it's because his feet look like sweet potatos)
教會的小男孩合影. 希望有小女孩加入我們! (嘉信一直在玩小Andrew的腳, 可能是因為看起來很像馬鈴薯)
Yum Yum
Cereal: rice, oatmeal, barley
Vegetable: green beans, peas, carrot, squash, potato, corn
Fruit: apple, peach, pear
His preference: 1) veggie, 2) cereal, 3) fruit (it seems he doesn't like the taste of fruit...)
嘉信開始吃固體食物差不多有兩個月了(因皮膚過敏的關係, 醫生建議我們遲一些讓他開始吃). 目前他吃過的食物包括:
穀類: 米粥, 燕麥粥, 大麥粥
蔬菜: 青豆, 豌豆, 紅蘿蔔, 南瓜, 馬鈴薯, 玉米
水果: 蘋果, 桃子, 西洋梨
我發現他最喜歡吃蔬菜, 最不習慣水果的味道(下結論還太早, 因目前只試過3種水果)
A Splendid Evening
Good night, Disneyland. Good nigh, Noah.
晚安, 迪士尼樂園. 晚安, 嘉信.
Extreme Makeover: Hair Edition
Duck & Swing
Labor Day
I Need A Bigger Hat
我不知道嘉信的頭長大了許多, 直到發現他平常所戴的帽子都戴不下了. 因此我試了其他在衣櫃裡的帽子(謝謝大Andrew送的). 以下是成果發表:
優勝: 大小剛好且天氣適宜
Will be too small in winter!
Will be too small in winter!
Will be too small in winter!
Too large but cute (is it girl's?)
Again, will be too small in winter! (for some reason hats that are made in Japan usually have cute ears on them)