
San Diego

We went to SeaWorld San Diego during the weekend with grandma and auntie. What a blast (or should I say "splash") we had--

週末我們和阿嬤, 大姑姑去聖地牙哥的海洋世界玩, 我們玩得不亦樂乎--

Noah with the 3 musketeers, no, 3 manatees....
嘉信和三劍客, 不, 是三海牛...

Daddy is my bath tub!

Play hard and nap hard.
認真地玩, 認真地睡.

Aren't they cute? (auntie got wet from Shipwreck Rapids--you're brave, anutie!)
倆小無猜 (姑姑玩急流泛舟全身都濕了--姑姑好勇敢喔!)

Happy dad & son :)


We're family!

When we watched Shamu's show "Believe," a lady volunteered to give Noah a shade by sitting behind us. We're blessed! (what a pretty umbrella)

當我們看Shamu的秀"Believe", 有一個撐著傘的小姐特意坐在我們的後面要幫我們遮太陽, 我們好有福氣喔 (她的雨傘真漂亮)!

Noah was exhausted from the 2-day trip, so he took a good nap for almost 3 hours, falling asleep just after the show and not waking up until we nearly drove back home!

經過兩天的旅途, 嘉信累到睡著, 且一睡就快三個小時--從秀看完到我們開車快開到家!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Looks like you guys had fun! We missed you at church! See you soon.