
New Horizon

Noah is getting more and more active every day... He loves standing up (supported)! It is funny to see him raise his buttocks every time he tries to stand up. Congrats to Noah for reaching a new horizon!

嘉信近來一天比一天活潑... 他好愛站起來喔! 看他把屁股翹高高為了要站起來的樣子真可愛. 恭喜嘉信--新的視野, 看的更廣!

Bye bye, those "sit-up" days... (Noah did so even before he could turn over)

再見了, 過去常作仰臥起坐的日子(在嘉信還不會翻身前就如此)...

PS. These couple days Noah kept saying "Mamamama....." with a crying tone when he needed me. Confession: I enjoyed listening to it so much that I delayed a little to response!

註: 這幾天當嘉信需要我的時候, 會撒嬌地說"媽媽媽媽..."

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