1. At 9 month well-baby checkup, Noah had hemoglobin test to check for anemia by a pinprick on the finger. He didn't cry a bit but was curious about the band-aid!
嘉信在九個月的身體檢查時, 醫生檢驗血紅素看看是否有貧血. 雖然小手被針刺了一下, 卻都沒有哭, 只是對OK繃很好奇!
2. Later, the Barbers visited our house. Andrew and Noah had a fun time together (this isn't a perfect picture but shows you how busy the boys, including Gabe, were playing).
身體檢查完後, Barbers一家人來我們家坐坐. Andrew和嘉信又有一次玩在一起的機會(這張照片拍的不好, 但可看出他們--包括Gabe--很認真在玩)
3. "Beaty & the Beast" is the 1st book torn by Noah! At first, we said "WOW" to him but then corrected him with a firm "NO." (We shouldn't be proud, should we?) Hope he didn't get confused... Maybe it's his way to protest against girl stories.
"美女與野獸"是第一本被嘉信撕破的書! 起先我們說他好棒, 但之後立刻更正他. 希望他不會感到困惑... 也許是因為他不喜歡女孩子的故事書.
Hi Amy, it's Mimi from church :).
I just started a blog to post pictures and tell stories about my trip to Europe this past summer, and I followed a link from Cheri's page about Andrew to your page here! I love all the pictures you post, I hope you have fun doing it. Just wanted to let you know that I linked to you on my page. OK? See you soon :)
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