
Yum Yum

It's been 2 months since Noah started eating solid food (doc wanted us to introduce it later because of eczema). So far he has tried:
Cereal: rice, oatmeal, barley
Vegetable: green beans, peas, carrot, squash, potato, corn
Fruit: apple, peach, pear
His preference: 1) veggie, 2) cereal, 3) fruit (it seems he doesn't like the taste of fruit...)

嘉信開始吃固體食物差不多有兩個月了(因皮膚過敏的關係, 醫生建議我們遲一些讓他開始吃). 目前他吃過的食物包括:
穀類: 米粥, 燕麥粥, 大麥粥
蔬菜: 青豆, 豌豆, 紅蘿蔔, 南瓜, 馬鈴薯, 玉米
水果: 蘋果, 桃子, 西洋梨
我發現他最喜歡吃蔬菜, 最不習慣水果的味道(下結論還太早, 因目前只試過3種水果)

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