
Bye Bye Summer

I can't believe it's the last day of September and fall is already here (more specifically, 9/23 is the 1st day). We have taken out the warm clothes, including the cute little ones for Noah!

We say goodbye to summer at beach in Corona del Mar (probably the last time to the beach this year). Here are some highlights:

真不敢相信今天已是九月的最後一天, 秋天也已悄悄地到了(更準確地說, 9月23是秋天的第一天). 我們已將衣服換季了--當然也包括嘉信的小衣服!

我們去了Corona del Mar的海灘向夏天說再見(這應該是今年最後一次去海邊了). 以下是一些照片與你分享:

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