
Sushi Day

Today Cheri and I went to Annie's house to learn how to make sushi. Look! We, as beginners, did a great job! (Thanks to Noah for being my model again.)

今天Cheri和我去Annie家學作壽司. 你看, 身為初學者的我們作的還不錯吧! (謝謝嘉信又做我的模特兒)

Today's special for the "twins" (in Mandarin, "shuang-bao-tai"): Cheri and I tried wasabi and barley tea. We hope our boys can still sleep tight at night...

"雙包胎"今日特餐: Cheri和我試了一點芥末和麥茶, 希望他們晚上仍睡得好.

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