
Hi, Pluto!

Today when we took Omnibus, Pluto just hopped on the bus and ride with us!
今天當我們坐Omnibus公車時, Pluto跳上車與我們一起坐!

He is the biggest dog Noah has ever seen! (Quick Fact: Pluto was named after the planet Pluto which was discovered in 1930, the same year that the character was introduced.)
他是嘉信看過最大的狗狗! (註: 他名叫Pluto是因在他出現的同年--1930年--冥王星Pluto被發現)

It's a small world!

This is not another attraction at Disneyland. It's the escalator of their parking structure. (for Noah, it's also fun to take!)

這不是另一個迪士尼好玩的東西, 而是停車場的手扶梯. (對嘉信來說, 這一樣很有趣!)

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