
And the Winner Is...

Brother KC dropped by church's nursery to wrestle w/ Noah and Noah defeated him w/o any efforts (sorry KC, my blog is open to the public)

冠志哥哥今天來教會的育兒室與嘉信摔跤, 嘉信毫不費力就把他打敗了. (冠志對不起, 我的部落格是公開給大眾看的)

Here's a picture of our church's baby boys. Hope we have more girls to come! (Noah kept playing twin bro Andrew's feet--maybe it's because his feet look like sweet potatos)

教會的小男孩合影. 希望有小女孩加入我們! (嘉信一直在玩小Andrew的腳, 可能是因為看起來很像馬鈴薯)

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